Chapter 19

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*Zayn's POV*

What the actual fuck is going on! Lucy just kissed me in front of everyone else! How is this even possbile? We're sorrounded by people, and she don't give a shit! I guess I must have affected her with my coolness... Haha or something.

As soon as my body realized Lucy's lips on mine, my hands found their way around her waist, pulling her even closer, as I felt her smile against my lips. I couldn't stop myself at smiling back, 'cause honestly it made me really happy that she was doing what she did.

Buuuut of course the happiness couldn't continue, as I heard a deep sarcastic voice behind me.

"Well, well, well"

I felt Lucy freeze and instantly turned around to face Justin, who was standing up against the lockers with a couple of the boys from his "gang" behind him. I gently pushed Lucy behind me, trying to protect her.

"What do you want Justin?" I asked him, very aware of not showing any fear or interest in the big guy.

"Oh nothing, I just admired how two such disgusting creatures can actually be attraced by each other, that's all." He smirked and crossed his arms. Some of the guys behind him were almost rolling on the floor laughing, but I remained calm

"Was that all? Because then I think we're gonna leave... Come on Lucy." I said, turned around and took Lucy's hans to guide her away from Justin.

"Hey whoa, you can't just leave, I'm not done with you!" Justin shouted after me, but I kept walking, feeling Lucy press my hand to support me. I clenched my teeth, feeling the anger in my body, but kept walking, because I wouldn't let Lucy see me in a fight again. She is worth so much more than that.

"Fine! Then have fun with your slut of a girlfriend, you little dick!" Justin shouted, and something inside me clicked.

I let go of Lucy's tiny hand, spun around and ran directly to Justin. I felt the power of my anger race in my body, and my eyes were full of hate. I heard Lucy shout my name, but I couldn't help it, I had to confront Justin, after what he had called the girl who means the world to me.

Justin had turned around so he didn't see me approaching him. When he heard me behind him, he turned around again, just in perfect timing for me to punch him right in the face with all my strength. He stumbled backwards, covering his nose and screaming in pain. But I didn't give in, instead I followed him and grabbed his varsity jacket, that prooved he was a brain-left jock, and pushed him up against the lockers. When Justin's big body hitted the metal of the lockers, it gave a loud bang, and I liked how my strength and power showed. His nose was bleeding, but I didn't give a shit. After all I still had bruises after what he had done to me...

I could sense a bit of fear in Justin's eyes, but still I didn't let him go. Instead I pushed him even furtherer against the lockers and looked him directly in the eyes.

"Don't you ever say that again. Lucy is so much more than anyone knows, and so much better than you will ever be. Do you understand that?" I spat and grabbed his jacket harder.

Justin nodded without saying a word, but it was obvious he was scared of me. Just like all the other kids around. No one had the courage to stand up for Justin, or even say something. I let go of Justin and without a word, walked back to Lucy who stood where I had left her. Without hesitating she took me in her arms and I hugged her tightly.

"I'm so sorry Lucy... I-I just couldn't help it" I whispered, as I buried my head in her long blonde hair.

"Shhh, it's okay Zaynie... Don't worry" She silently said before letting me go, and instead took my hand and started walking out of the school.

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