Chapter 39

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*Zayn's POV* 

I silently sat strumming my guitar and kept updating my messages in the hope of seeing Lucy’s name appear on my screen, but of course it didn’t… My head shot up as someone crashed into the apartment. For a second my hopes got up, but I lowered my head as I saw Harry enter the livingroom. He had a smile all over his face and somewhere inside me I hated him for being happy. He had Abby now. They were an item. And I was alone and miserable.

“Hey Zaaaayyyyn!” Harry sang as he walked over to me, still with the cheekiest smile ever.

“Go away Harry… I can’t stand your happiness” I mumbled and laid down on the couch.


“Have you talked to her? How is she? She okay? Does she still remember me? Did she mention me?” I shot up from the couch and looked desperately at Harry for an answer.

“Wowowow, relax Zayn,” he chuckled “We talked at the coffeeshop, she’s okay I guess, and yes she remembers you and yes we talked about you.” He smiled secretly and folded his hands in his lap.

“Harry Styles, tell me everything or I will kill you. I’m fucking serious.” I said and his smile disappeared as he leant in to spill his information to me. 

“Okay she said that she would probably forgive you, so you have to keep on fighting pal. Seriously, she needs you just as much as you need her.” He smiled a little at me.

“No… No you’re just saying this to make me happy. I was such an idiot, she will probably never want me back.” I said and lay down again.

“Jesus Christ Zayn! Why are you such a wimp! Come on, you used to be full of actions and willing to take risks, now you’re just a freaking lazy lad, who keeps feeling sorry for himself! What happened to you?” Harry shouted and punched my shoulder, trying to get an reaction.

“But-“ I said, but got cut off.

“No! No buts! Stop being so pathetic and get up, and go out there and fight for the girl you love!” Harry said as he pulled me up, so I was sitting instead of lying. He sat down in front of me and putted his hands on my shoulders.

“Zayn listen. I know that she is willing to forgive you. She freaking told me. All you have to do, is to go to her place and talk to her. Make her believe you.” He said while looking me into the eyes. “She loves you mate.” He smiled and nudged my shoulder before getting up to go to the bathroom.

I silently sat back, as a smile started to form on my lips. She needed me. She wanted me back. Maybe. And that was all I needed to know. Before Harry even came out from the bathroom I had left the flat and was running to the part of the city were Lucy lived. My heart was beating fast and my breath was extremely quick and my sides were hurting but the smile was still on my face.

Outside Lucy’s giant house I stood for a second with my hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath and avoid throwing up after running a pretty impressive distance in a very short time. With a little bit of hesitation I walked up to the door, which I knocked. I soon saw Leon come to the door, and his smile as he saw me through the glass.

“Hello Zayn! Mr and Mrs Williams isn’t home, but Lucy is in her room.” He said and let me in. He must really like me, since he just did that without asking any questions. He just stood smiling by the door, and signalled me to go up the stairs. I looked at him with a frown on my face as I slowly started to walk the steps that lead to Lucy’s room.

When I arrived up there I hesitantly stood in front of the door, not sure of what to do. Maybe she didn’t want me back. Maybe she still thought I was an idiot, and never wanted to talk me again. Maybe this was the stupidest idea of all time… Why did I also just trust Harry? Why did I not ask any question? Oh my god, I’m so stupid.

As I stood swearing about my stupidity and myself I heard music from behind the door. I recognized the song, even though it’s not really my kind of music. It was a song by Justin Bieber, I didn’t remember the name, but the chorus is something like

“Nothing like us, nothing like you and me”

I felt my heart break a little.

“Can I come in?” I said lowly, while looking at the floor. There was silent for a moment before I heard a tiny voice from inside the room.

“Yeah…” It said with a kinda raspy voice. I laid my hand on the knob before slowly opening the door. I peaked in, but didn’t see anyone in there, so I opened the door wide and walked in. As I closed the door, I saw Lucy standing behind the door, looking at me with big eyes, while fumbling with the hem of her shirt. We both stood looking at each other with pain in our eyes, before suddenly Lucy crashed into my arms, squeezing me with her arms around my waist while sobbing into my chest. I instantly wrapped my arms around her, laying my head on her shoulder and feeling the tears filling my eyes.

“I missed you so much Zayn” She cried into my shirt and tightened her embrace a little. I felt my tears making her shoulder wet as it absorbed my salty tears.

“I love you so much Lucy…” I breathed without letting her go. I was finally able to feel her body close to mine, letting her scent fill my senses, hearing her voice and just being with her.

Suddenly she loosened her grip around me and took a step back, looking up into my eyes. She took a deep breath.

“I will forgive you Zayn, but only if you promise me, that you will never do such thing again. Promise me that you can control it?” She looked at me with pleading eyes.

“Lucy, I promise that I will never do anything to hurt you. From now on, I will be the one making sure that you will be forever happy.” I said, before she walked into my embrace again. I lifted her, making her wrap her legs around my waist, making it possible for me to hold her even tighter. She rested her head in the crook of my neck and her hands fumbled with the hairs in my neck, and I swear I have never felt such happiness in my whole life.

Suddenly she lifted her head

“Zayn?” She said and I could hear the smile in her voice.

“Yeah?” I lifted my head to meet her sparkling eyes, before she closed the gap between us, meeting my lips with hers. I felt my world spinning, as I finally tasted her sweet lips again. The kiss was luscious and sweet as sugar. We both had been waiting for this moment, and I couldn’t resist the urge to squeeze her tiny frame as I let my tongue brush over her lightly pink lips.

As we broke the kiss, I finally saw the known smile on Lucy’s face. I haven’t realized just how much I had been missing that exact smile. It blew me away, lighted up my world and just gave me an even bigger smile.

I spent the whole day by Lucy’s just chilling, cuddling, watching girly movies about teenagers falling in love and eating popcorn. As the evening came, we were laying all cuddled up on the bed, facing each other.

“You know, your eyes are pretty breathtaking?” I said, making Lucy giggle

“Oh god, what have I done to you, my little badboy?” She laughed and let her hand stroke through my hair.

I sat up, pulling her with me by my hand. I opened the doubledoor to Lucy’s balcony, with a lovely view over London. The sky was getting pink and we both walked out to breath in the cool summerbreeze.

I pulled Lucy infront of me, hugging her from behind, burying my head in her hair as we took in the view.

“I love you Lucy Amelia Rose Williams” I whispered, squeezing around her waist.

“I love you even more Zayn Javaad Malik” 

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