10-1 Challenge

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Well I guess I have to blame That_Weird_Brunette for getting me to do this. Oh well... let's get this over with.

10 Facts About Me
1. I'm pretty smart. (I know I'm bragging, but if you don't like it, deal with it aruetii)
2. I like strawberries a lot.
3. I'm pretty awkward.
4. I know how to effectively lie. (which may or may not be a good thing)
5. I can be aggressive sometimes. (Copaani mirshmure'cye vod?)- Are you looking for a smack in the face mate?
6. I love all types of weapons and armor. (what?)
7. I like to read.
8. I have very high hopes and dreams.
9. I seriously like a girl (don't you dare).
10. I love to write stories.

9 Favorites Songs
(No particular order)
1. Roby Fayer - Ready to Fight
2. Imagine Dragons - Ready Aim Fire
3. Imagine Dragons - Warriors
4. Eminem - Lose Yourself
5. Jeff Williams, Casey Lee Williams - This Will Be the Day
6. Adele - Skyfall
7. Fort Minor - Remember The Name
8. The Phantoms - Into The Darkness
9. The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army

8 Places I Want To Go
(No order except #1)
1. Rome, Italy (the homeland)
2. Cairo, Egypt
3. Athens, Greece
4. New York City, USA
5. London, England
6. Paris, France
7. Zurich, Switzerland
8. Florence, Italy

7 Things I can't Live Without
1. Computer
2. Phone
3. Family
4. Friends
5. Video games
6. Books
7. Love

6 People who inspire me
1. My dad
2. My mom
3. My sister
4. My cousin
5. My grandmother
6. My (fallen) brother

5 favorite Girl Names
1. Janet
2. Claudia
3. Emily
4. June
5. Daisy

4 favorite Boy Names
1. Lance
2. Hunter
3. Scipio
4. Julius

3 Things I like about myself
1. My aggressive behavior
2. My intelligence
3. My imagination

2 Things I am looking forward to
1. XCOM 2
2. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 3 (the other half)

Number 1 Quote I live by
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him"

~GK Chesterton

I now nominate:
Anyone who hasn't done it yet
Good luck fellow Mando'ade

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