This means war

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So haso14, you think tagging me as revenge will stop me?

Well guess what? You have another thing coming.

Let's do this!

1. What is my favorite animal?
Easy, wolves. Enough said.

2. What is my favorite book/book series?
My favorite book is Fallen Angels by Walter Dean Myers.

3. What was my ultimate favorite childhood tv show?
Bob the Builder. Don't laugh!

4. Where is your dream wedding?
That's classified.

5. If I could live in any time period when would I like to live?
The Roman Empire.

Let this war begin, haso14. You can't stop me.

I nominate:

And anyone else who would like this.

Your questions are:

1. If you can choose to live in any style of home, what would it be?

2. Do you not like anyone?

3. If you had the opportunity to free-fall from space, survive burning up in the atmosphere, and you had a functioning parachute to live, would you take the opportunity?

4. Do you like anyone?

5. If all of your friends suddenly turned on you and tried to kill you with guns, melee weapons, and more, and you had nothing to defend yourself, but a military V-22 Osprey is coming to save you in four minutes, what would you do to survive? (Bear with me here)

And that's it.

Ad Victoriam!
Warlord out.

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