Another 15 facts

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Well, I guess I have to do this thing now...why MrDeath64 did you have to tag her? Why?

Fine. Let's get this s*** over with.

1. I speak only English.
2. My favorite video game series is Fallout, closely followed by Mass Effect.
3. I love to read.
4. I am in 10th grade.
5. I like to create and write stories.
6. I hate dishonorable people.
7. I don't have any specific kind of music; I need to listen to listen to the song to like it.
8. I am in Cross Country.
9. I like History class and hate Spanish.
10. I have almost Straight A's (damn you Spanish).
11. I want to become a military weapons designer when I graduate college.
12. I like the Marvel Movies.
13. My friends and I make fun of each other yet we all still laugh.
14. I have very strong trust issues (I trust very few people).
15. I may or may not like someone (not saying who...shut up haso14 I mean it).

Are you happy now haso14? Are you?

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Warlord Out.

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