Hold On

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there's a tune to this but anyway... I don't remember where I was going with this sentence...  mehp whatever.

hold on
until you make it through the school doors
you can do this
you can make it
you'll be fine

hold on
you know once you get there
and once you find your rhythm
it'll be alright

hold on
just a little bit longer
because you can't afford to break down
hold on
why can't you be stronger
you can't afford to lose it now
so hold on

hold on
until you make it past this pop quiz
you can ace it
you are smart enough
don't give up

hold on
you can always retake it
but you'll feel a bit worse
find it harder to keep trying
each time

hold on
just a little bit longer
because you can't afford to break down
hold on
you have to be stronger
have to be better than you are now
so hold on

hold on
until you make it through the school day
you can do it
this is easy
hold your breath

hold on
this shouldn't make you worry
maybe I'm not worth it
But I have to be perfect!

(yet you know you'll never make it far)

hold on
just a little bit longer
because each time you go farther down
hold on
no way can you surrender
no way can you let yourself down
so hold on

high standards,
they say don't set them too high
but if I don't
no one will.

I can't burn out
can't get out now
can't escape from holding on
now it's for dear life

hold on
just hold on forever
can't let them see this side
hold on
you've got to be better
so what if you stay up all night?

hold on
until you make it past the homework
just focus
can't be that hard
you're just dumb

hold on
until you make it to the evening

all the work
you should've done
hanging over your shoulders
amd there's no one
to help you carry anything

hold on
just a little bit longer
never let yourself relax
hold on
it'll help you in the long run
unless the stress breaks your back...
but it won't
because I can't afford to let myself make a mistake
like that

hold on
now you've made it through the day
full of people
full of work
full of drama
full of stress
full of hiding
full of secrets
Aren't you so sick of this!?
but you've made it through the day
now you can let go-
-but wait!
you have to get up in the morning

hold on
until you make it through the school doors
you can take it
you can make it
just get through one more day

{hit "replay"}

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