Blood Wood Tree

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A Broken Branch of the Blood Wood Tree

I am a branch of the blood wood tree
When I'm cut down, you can be sure I'll bleed
I look like a crack in a broken glass
And I'm not sure how much longer I can last
I dropped it, and it broke, my happiness cup,
I can't do this anymore, I think I'll just give up
I want to tell someone, but then I think of all the what ifs
What if they laugh at my confession, when I'm just being honest

When I look in the mirror, something inside collapses
And some days are good but then here comes one of those relapses
And as I'm walking home alone next to onrushing traffic
There are some days when suicide seems downright fantastic
I know that I can't lie except when asked if I'm alright
Because when you look me in the eye I hide my inner fight

I've got so many scars that you can't see
Every night I cry myself to sleep
And when I'm cut down, you can be sure I'll bleed
Because I'm a broken branch of the blood wood tree

The Truth From WithinOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz