Start The Fire

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Because she is my real life BFF, she is always there for me and she got me into Doctor Who!!! I'm dedicating the whole book to her but this chapter especially because she said that she loves reading people's stories from Pompeii :) Luv ya Liv! 

Authour's Note:

This is my first story on Wattpad, hopefully the first of many to come. I am in the process of editing this, it's a grammatical mess. Also I have never been to Pompeii or even Italy or Europe, so please forgive minor errors in geography.  I'm just going off my imagination, based on pictures and documentaries I've seen and what I learnt about it in history a few years ago. If you are from/live in or near Pompeii, I hope that this diesn't offend you in any way, and if you have any tips on how I can make this better/ more accurate geographically please leave a comment. I will definitely be majorly editing this once I have been to Pompeii (next year). I hope you like it :) ____________________________________________________________________________

'A burnt child dreads the fire.' ~Dutch Proverb

ღ Start the Fire ღ

 12/Feb/70 AD 

The bright sunlight streamed in the window and woke me. I dressed and went to see mother and father. They told me today was a big day as father was expecting some important visitors. I didn't know what that meant or who they were so I simply nodded and went outside to play with my sisters Leona and Valeria in the garden. When it got dark we went back inside for dinner and then bed.


 In the night I awoke to screams and a crackling sound. I was incredibly frightened, so I got up. It was very hot and I could smell smoke very strongly. I walked out of my room to find a huge fire in our house!

That's what I could hear and smell!

I ran to Valeria's room but it was empty, so was Leona's, Mother and Father's room was alight and they were dead inside. I started to cry hysterically, but I knew I had to get out. I ran for the door coughing as I inhaled smoke. Finally I made it through the door and out onto the street.

I heard another scream. I looked to my left and saw some burly, gruff looking men dragging Valeria away. 

"Valeria!" I cried out without thinking. There turned and looked at me. 

"Another one! Get 'er!" Called the man who seemed to be the leader. I started to run but the men when to fast. They caught me and started taking me away over their shoulder. I struggled but they were too strong.  

"Ahh, this one will fetch a good price. She'll make a good slave." said the one carrying me. 

"Yeah, pretty young too." said the other one.

 That night was cold and miserable. Valeria and I prayed to ever god/goddess we knew (not as many as our parents knew), Apollo, Ceres, Diana, Juno, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Minerva, Neptune, Venus, Vesta and Vulcan.

No such luck.

We cried ourselves to sleep.

And so the next day Valeria and I (and some other unfortunate children) began our long journey to wherever it is we're going. After a few days we got to the first town. I forgot it's name a long time ago. They stood us in a line and people walked by, pointing and asking questions and haggling over prices. Then a man stopped in front of Valeria and me.

 After a very long pause he pointed to Valeria and said, 

"I'll take that one." Then he haggled over her price with one of the men for a while before coming to an agreement and picking up Valeria. She screamed and kicked but the man didn't even notice. I ran after her calling, 

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