Blazing Lights

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For Lyddy :D


The picture is just to give you an idea of what Naia's dress looks like. It's like that but a halter-neck and a little longer. The person's not supposed to be Naia or Jo (even though she kinda looks like Jo) it's just to show you the dress. I couldn't find one of Jo's dress, but I'll keeping looking :)


"Better and ounce of happiness than a pound of gold" ~Proverb

ღ Blazing Lights ღ

28/01/2011 AD

Mum and I stayed in our fake house last night. She says she needs to get use to it, if she's going to be 'living' here when Jo arrives. I was nice to have a soft mattress, but I missed the presence of water. I got up and spent an hour showing Mum how to cook a few different things, she'd gotten a bit rusty. But she was an excellent cook, it didn't take long for her skills to come back to her and she made delicious pancakes for breakfast with barely and guidance from me.

By the time I walked out the door I was confident in Mum. Jo would never suspect we weren't a normal mother and daughter.

We certainly looked like mother and daughter, you see, true Kylysans, when taking human form, can take any human form they like. Well, more accurately they could take up to seven human forms. Seven different human forms. So far Mum's only used up two of hers. She can look like she looked when she took human form before she came to Earth (I don't really remember what that form looked like since she hasn't used it in ages). Her other form (the one she currently wears when she's human), looks like an older version of me. She made it after they converted me in Pompeii and it suits well as the look of my mother.

It would make me sad, expect for the fact that it looks nothing like my real mother. Valeria and I took after father in looks getting the dark hair and eyes, while Leona took after mother getting fair hair and green eyes. Converted Kylysans (like me) can only look however they looked before they were changed when they take human form.

Mum was so sweet to agree to do this just because I had a friend over. But then, I suppose that's what mums and family in general are there for. I couldn't wait for the party! It would be so much fun. You'd think after 1946 years I wouldn't really be much into parties but I guess, since I was turned at 14, the human teenager mentality never really left me. Which is a nice touch I think.


Half way to school and my tummy was already doing happy little flips at the thought of seeing Mick again. I was in a happy sort of daze and I didn't notice the bus had stopped until I started to feeling a poking sensation. I snapped back to attention and saw Lila poking me saying something like 'Um, Naia, the bus has stopped, we're here.' repeatedly. We walked of the bus and joined what was now 'My' group. To my delight, Mick and Jo were already there.

I ran over to Mick and threw my arms around him, he put his arms around me too. After what was never enough hugging, I turned to assess the group. There was Jo, she was awesome. Mick was sweet and hot. The others, Lila, Jaquie, Willow, Tony and Kurt, I hardly knew but from what I'd learnt so far:

Lila was sweet and could definatly make a turn around. Jaquie probably could. Willow was almost definitely a lost cause. Tony and Kurt could nearly certainly come right, the only problem was that Tony was dating Willow, queen of mean, and so if Tony stayed with her, we'd loose Kurt too because they're really good mates. The because of that we'd lose Jaquie (Kurt's girlfriend) and then it would only be Me, Jo, Mick and Lila, which isn't much of a group... Plus the others could re-join with Aeliana, no, Willow would have to stay..

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