Watch It Burn

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Jaz is an amazing real life BFF. She got me onto both my favourite sites, this site (Wattpad) and another one called Foopets :) Yes this entire book is dedicated to her but this chapter especially because it ends on a good cliff-hanger and she says she likes those :) Luv ya Jazzy!!!!


'No Smoke Without Fire' ~German Proverb

ღ Watch It Burn ღ


Addie and I lay back with a bowl of popcorn and gave up on watching a movie, choosing to talk instead. "I wish I could be there to help you settle in. I used to go there but then I changed to Fernview, it's got a better Dance program, but Cainpoint's still a really good school." Addie said. Adelaide's my next door neighbour and best friend. I'd just moved here in the Christmas holiday's before school started. It was  last day of holidays before the first day of school for the year, I was starting in year 11 at Cainpoint. Addie, my first and only friend here so far goes to Fernview.

"It's okay, I'm used to starting new, we've moved around a lot." I said.

"Hmm, I know I still wish I could be there for you." She said bting her lip and running her hand through her long light brown hair. She's such a good friend. "Still, you'll have Ellie I guess." she continued. As if on cue Addie's older sister Noelle came in. Elle looks just like an older version of Addie except she's died her hair black  (with blonde highlights) and cut it short. But they are still very similar in the face, same deep brown eyes.

"Hey Nai, Hey sis, what's up?" She asked flipping her hair. I guess Ellie was nice enough, it's just that she seems a bit stuck up and vain at times.

"Nothin much, we're just talking." said Addie.

"Cool mind if I join in? I just got back from shopping, I'm kinda bored now."

"Yeah, sure." I said. I never hurt to be nice, I guess.

After a while their Mum came in and told us to go to bed because it was a school day tomorrow. Ellie left, and we nodded and turned out the lights. I felt a wave of sorrow as I thought about my real mother. She'd been so lively, such a free spirt, so kind. She and father didn't deserve to die the way they did. I thought also of my sisters. I could only hope they lived good full lives and died of old age, but I guess I'll never know. They could've had terrible lives and died awefully..

With I sigh I slipped into a troubled sleep full of bad dreams and nightmares...



I woke up much earlier the Addie. Welcoming the morning, as if it could wash away the terrible dreams of the night just passed, I jumped out of bed at 4:30 AM and hurried to get dressed. I decided to go and see Fallonne, normally I call her Mum, but was feeling all sentimental and stuff so for a few days it would be Fallonne. I silently slipped outside, immideitly I was hit by a wave of cool, fresh air. Ahhhh, that was better.

I was still quite dark, just the way I liked it, 'It doesn't need to be light and sunny to be day time' as Fallonne was so found of telling me. 'And anytime is a good time to swim' someone else in the 'family' would add in. I kicked a stone as I walked down by the road, then I turned off at the forest. We did have a house, two acctually, but they were mostly for show. I knew where Fallonne, and maybe the others, would be at this time. I picked my way through the trees, stopping only when I finally came to the clearing.

There in the center, was a deep, blue, perfectly round pond, looking mystical as it eerily refected the trees and other things around it on its calm surface. There was a small spash, a blurred movement and then I felt warm arms around me.

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