Momentary Firebreak

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“Blood is thicker than water.” ~Polish Proverb

ღ Momentary Firebreak ღ

White sand slid between my toes as I walked down the beach to the water line. The setting sun caused my family to appear as silhouettes.

“It’s beautiful isn’t it?” I sighed, looking out at the ocean.

“I think I could watch the sun set over the ocean a thousand times and never stop being awed.” Perro said without looking my way.

“I know what you’re thinking Naia.” Mum said.

I sighed, “What am I thinking?”

“You’re wondering how something so beautiful can exist in a world where there’s so much horror and corruption.”

Wow, she’s good, “Yup, you hit it on the nail head.”

Mum chuckled, “Of course I did. And of course both extreme beauty and extreme horror can coexist. That means the universe is balanced.”

“And that’s why we came here, we needed to see some beauty, we’ve seen too much death and destruction lately.” said Azeci, who’d so far remained silent.

Death and destruction. I thought I’d seen enough to fill a life time, but I know I’ve got a lot more to see. Images of smoking piles of black dust flashed through my mind. There had been nothing left of the house. The ruins wouldn’t have been easy to disguise. So, we decided not to try and disguise it. Thankfully, due to the wide yard that surrounded the house, none of the neighbours’ houses were destroyed— I never could’ve forgiven myself for that.

Nothing could have prepared me for the explosion, extreme noise and force that lifted me up and sent me crashing back down into the grass. I fought the blackness that tried to drag me down and examine my injuries. I was bruised from being thrown into the ground, but at least none of my limbs had been blown off, I was, overall just happy to be alive for the minute. I had very nearly lost my life, to escape with a few bruises and a migraine I was insanely lucky.

I snapped back to reality, Aeliana probably wasn’t far off, never one to do half a job, she’d be coming to check I was blown to bits. I decided it would be best to let her think that I (and my family) had been killed, even if I could only make her believe it for a little while, we needed a brake, time to get our thoughts together and come back fighting.

So I dusted myself off and stumbled into the woods behind what was left of the house to our lovely pond. 

I splashed in and quickly explained the situation. Thankfully, after our phone call Perro had teleported here and contacted the other two, insisting they teleport in too. They’d probably been in the ocean.

I gave them a quick run-down of the situation and the ordered that we move out, at least for a little while.

“Just take what we need. And hurry!” I shouted at my family, as they began to pack.

“Naia, dear, I think we’re going to need everything.” said Mum. After years of moving from place to place our list of belongings had been cut down to only what we couldn’t live without. Seeming to read my thoughts, Azeci said,

“We have moved before, Naia, and sometimes in a hurry.”

“Just hurry please.” I said, turning back into my room. “We need to make it look like we were never here. So, when she comes looking for us, she’ll think she succeeded and killed us all.”

My room was bare, everything packed into a small grey sphere, similar in size and weight to a hockey ball, but capable of holding a small nation. All my human artefacts, like clothes and phones and human money, were destroyed. I’d kept those things in the human house, most of them wouldn’t work under water, so they were destroyed in the explosion.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2012 ⏰

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