Chapter One

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My name is Cerux Kiy(See-rucks k-I) and today, I am going to see my friend Yelia at the park. Me and her both live in a district called S101 and go to school like everyone else. Only four cities exist in the whole world and towns don't exist, only districts. Districts are given a letter, N for North or S for South, depending on where the district is. The numbers really don't mean much; they are pretty much a label to distinct different districts from each other. Four cities exist in the whole world, three still existing. The three cities that still exist are Valewood which S101 is close to, Atlisk(At-L-is-K) which is where the King lives, and Farlocke which is near the northern districts. Dakuro(Da-co-r-oo) was destroyed during a world war between the cities. Since then, nothing has happened which I am glad about.

I put on a black vest with a green shirt, black long shorts, and some white sneakers on. I grab my lucky charm, a blue bracelet with the symbol that looks like a diamond, and head outside. The bright blue sky and the sun shinning in my face, I start to make my way to the park. S101 is one of the nicer districts in the world, due to all the trees and plant life. S101 is known for vegetation and producing some of the most beautiful flowers in all of the world. I continue walking until I finally make it to the park. I see Yelia wearing a beautiful yellow dress, matching her beautiful dark brown hair and light skin. She sees me, starts to wave hi, and I make my way towards her.

"Hey Yelia, you look nice today."
"Thank you Cerux, today is a special day after all."
"Really? What is today?"
"Today is the Flower Light Festival Cerux, how could you forget?"
"Oh yeah! I'm so sorry!"

The Flower Light Festival is a once a year festival that is held in S101 which the whole town is decorated in the best flowers S101 can offer. The festival starts once the sun goes down and everyone parties until the sun rises the next day. All the street are lighten up by Glowing Flowers, which product a huge multicolored light and only grow on this special day every year. I plan on getting Yelia a flower called The Crystal Ice Flower which appears to be a blue stem and a diamond on top. Once the time is right, the flower will bloom into a perfect four petal ice blue shinning flower.

"So Cerux, what would you like to do today?"
"Well I was thinking we could have a picnic here during the Flower Festival."
"That sounds like a great idea! I'll meet you here at 7:00pm then. I will meet you here at 7:00pm Cerux and don't be late. I have to go help my mom decorate the tow- I mean district. I'll see you later."

Yelia gives me a hug that makes me feel so warm and heads off into the distance. I decided to go see my best friend Hayden. I start to walk towards his house which is two miles from the park. Me and Hayden have been best friends since second school; currently, me, Yelia, and Hayden are in third school. There is also a first school but that is for very young kids. Second school is for kids becoming teenagers and third school is for teenagers becoming adults. To be honest, I used to live in a district known as N342, a district known for trading goods. A totally different atmosphere between the two districts, am I right? No one wanted to be my friend when I first moved her with my mom but Hayden introduced himself to me and me and him have been best friends since. The reason for me moving is because my dad used to be a miner until he died.

After thirty minutes or so, I finally made it to Hayden's house. I knock on his down to hear a loud bang and then a silence. I hear Hayden say:

"Let me patch myself bro, give me a sec, yeah?"

A few minutes pass by and the door opens. Hayden's right arm was all badged up with a white wrap and the light skin around the wound looked red. He is wearing a grey mesh hoodie and black skinny jeans.

"Hey Cerux-bro, what's cooking?"
"Hey Hayden, you okay? I heard a loud noi-"
"Oh yeah, don't worry about that hammie, I just fell down the stairs."
"Let's go to your room so you can relax."

I enter his house. His house has wood flooring and the house is decorated for the Flower Light Festival. Me and Hayden walk up the stairs. I look down at the stairs to see some blood stains on the steps, I tried to dodge the blood stains. Me and Hayden make it to his room. I sit in the beanbag chair and he goes lays down on his bed.

"So Hayden, can I ask you something?"
"Go ahead broski, what's crackin' on your skull bro?"
"Well, it's about Yelia. I really like her and I asked her that me and her should go on a picnic during the Flower Light Festival at 7:00pm. I want to tell her how I feel but I don't think I can."
"Well broski, what you gotta do is you need to tell her how you feel. If you don't, you will regret it hammie."
"Alright so how should I start off?"
"Well... I'm not very good at know this bro but just tell her what you life organ says"
"You mean the heart?"
"Yeah, whatever that is broski. This ain't no ancient holiday called Vale in Tines which that life organ was praised like royalty.

I start to laugh and Hayden joins me. Me and Hayden continue to talk for a good hour and I told him that all three of us should hang out if everything goes well tonight.

"Look broski, I will get you a Maple Flower Drink if everything goes to the toilet. Look at the time bro, it's two in the after, you need to go get going if you wanna make that date. You better kiss her bro or I will bother you about it if after I see you in the wooden box"

I said bye to Hayden and started to make my way towards where the flower I want to get is sold at. I saved up all my money from working at the district garden. The District Garden is at the center of the district and the staff that take care of the garden allow teenagers help out to receive Hulno, coins that is the districts currency. Supposedly the cities have something called money and it is paper, unlike our metal coins. I eventually make it to the shop, The Hana Fiore. The Hana Fiore is the most expensive flower shop in all of S101 due to the store selling flowers from other parts of the world. I walk into the store to see Papa Hana watering some flowers. Papa Hana knows my mother and they have been friends since me and my mom moved to S101.

"Hey Papa Hana, how are you?"
"Hey, you are Mrs.Kiy's kid, aren't you? How have you been young lad?"
"I have been good sir, I was wondering if I could buy the Crystal Ice Flower Papa Hana."
"Yes you may young lad."

Papa Hana stops watering the flowers and goes to the back of the shop. A few minutes pass and he comes out with a steel box that is about a foot high.

"Here you go lad, 1000 Hulno."

I open up my Hulno sack and I pull out 10 gold Hulnos.

"Here you go Papa Hana."

Papa Hana takes eight of the ten gold Hulnos. He then hands over the box to me and says:

"This flower will bloom later tonight, keep it in a cold place until nightfall hits and your mom called me in advance, she told me about a young lady you are seeing, so keep two gold Hulnos for you and that young lady."

I smile at Papa Hana and thank him. He nods his head and goes back to watering his flowers. I walk out of the store with two hundred Hulnos and the Crystal Ice Flower, and it is only 4:00pm. I decide to stop by a bakery to grab Star Flower Cookies. The Star Flower is an editable flower that taste really sweet and makes the best dessert when used as an ingredient.

After a quite a while of walking, I finally make it back home. I put the Crystal Ice Flower in the freezer and the cookies in the fridge. I head for the couch and decide to take a nap.

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