Chapter Seven

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Morning hits and I wake up Violet. Violet gets off of me and tells me to take a shower with her. I get up and follow Violet into the shower. Me and Violet end up taking a shower together and drying ourselves off thirty minutes later. This time, Violet puts on tight pants and a jacket while I put on pants and a t-shirt. We head out and walk to the bar. Ashley and Dreamer are already at the front of the bar. We walk up and Dreamer hands me a long black coat. He tells me that because I am part of the team, I am allowed to wear the team logo. The logo looked like a crown with a sword through it. I put the jacket on and perfect fit! We end up taking something called a "taxi" to the train and we get abroad the train. On the train, we settle down in our own booth and start to discuss about what the plan could be. I start to hear a voice that tells me to go to the bathroom and I excuse myself from the table. I look for the bathroom and after a little bit, I find the bathroom. I open the door and enter to be greeted to a person in a hood,holding a gun at me.

"Cerux, is that your name...?"
"Yes, Ye-s it i-s."

The person puts away the gun and removes the hood. It's some small girl with white hair.

"Sorry for the rude introduction, the name's Emma, Emma The Destroyer."
"Well hello Emma, you scared the shit out of me but that's okay."
"Ugh, don't be a baby Cerux. You are looking for the Demon Pr- I mean Zyde, right?"
"Yes, yes I am."
"Well I am too but let's keep that between you and me because your friends here are ordered to kill him. Well come on, introduce me to them."

A huge feeling drops on my shoulders while me and Emma head outside the bathroom. We walk until we get into the front of the booth.

"Everyone, this is Emma. Emma, this is Dreamer, Ashley, and Violet."
"Excuse me Cutie, why did you go the bathroom only and bring this girl back?!"
"Umm... Ah..."
"Violet, calm down. Me and Ashley know who this is. This is a member of King's Blade, Emma the Destroyer, she is part of the team."
"What did she do to you Cutie?! Destroy your "pants"?!"
All: "VIOLET!!!"

After a while, Violet finally calms down and we all are now sitting down. Dreamer brings up a group called King's Shield which for some reason sounds slightly familiar. He mentions that the three members of King's Shield are Neko, the fierce hand warrior with lion blood in her veins; Syx(six), the master of blades and one of the top assassins; and last but not least, Ave, the master of the arms, guns, bows, knives, anything ranged, she has got it covered. Ave sounds familiar, very familiar but I can't put my tongue on it. It seems like I know Ave but at the same, I don't think I do. Well, I have to worry about finding Zyde, Hayden, and where my dad died. A few hours past by and we make it to Leafwood "station." A station is where trains stop at which sounds pretty stupid but I guess it is helpful. We all walk out of the train and onto the station. We make our way to the streets and walk for about a hour until we reach this building with a curtain for the door. We enter and all I see is a teenage girl in a robe, looking around a giant ball of crystal. She tells us to sit down and we do. She explains to me that her name is Pzyko and that our mission today is go down to Scap-Scorn to investigate some weird behavior. There is this guy who goes by the name, "Chip" and he has been stealing money and slaughtering people, day and night.

"Cutie, that's perfect. Didn't you want to go to Scap-Scorn to find the murder who killed your dad?"

Everyone looks surprise except for Pzyko who looked like she knew something. I explain to everyone that me and two of my friends plan on going back to where my dad died which is close to Scap-Scorn to find clues about who killed him. Ashley mentions that Chip may know who killed your dad due to his "connections" he has with assassins. With this information, fire starts to burn into my chest. Pzyko tells everyone that she wants to talk to me alone; everyone goes outside while inside, it is just me and her.

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