Chapter Nine

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Me and Koya get up and begin to walk. We decide that we would rest up and head out in the morning. We walk into an alley and we see an old mattress on the floor. Koya jumps on it and says that we are sleeping here for tonight.

"Koya, what the hell?!"
"Get off that old mattress, let's go rent a place."
"Well I don't believe your world takes my type of money and I don't think you have money."

I check my pockets to find that I have no money. I decide to lay on the old mattress and slowly close my eyes.

My eyes open to the sun shinning on my face. I look over to see Koya still asleep. I wake up Koya and tell him that we should find something to eat and hit the road. We get up and start to make our way out of the alley. We hit the streets and start to think about ways to make money.

"We could get a job Cerux."
"No, that would take too long."
"What about we beg people for money."
"You are kidding, right?"

I told Koya that we should steal some food and sneak up on the train. Koya seem like he didn't want to do that idea but he knew that was the fastest way to get money. We walk for a bit on we get in front of a food market, Koya takes out a remote, and points it at the food market.

"What are you going to do? Stop time?"
"Actually, that is what I am going to do. Good guess."

I start to laugh but then my jaw drops because I see Koya press a button and suddenly, everyone and everything that was moving stopped, including me! I feel a tap on my shoulder and now I am able to move.

"What the hell just happened?!"
"I stopped time and now we are going to get some food, right?"
"Let's get some food."

I grab a backpack off of some guy, I empty it out and start to fill it up with food. Koya just stands there, looking guilty for allowing me to steal us food. I am not a thief and I feel horrible for doing this but I have my own mission and that is to kill the King. Me and Koya leave the food market and he presses a button on his remote. I turn my head to see that everyone is able to move again. We make our way down to the train station to see that the station is shut down. I think Dreamer's traps messed up the rails. I see a nice two person car and break the window. I open the door and surprisedly, the keys are still in. Koya looks at me in shame but gets in. I turn on the car and I just realize that I don't know how to drive.

"Do you know how to drive Koya?"
"Yes, of course."
"Take over then."

Me and Koya both get out off the car and switch places. Koya starts the car and we begin to move. We start driving on the streets and then a few minutes later, we see flashing lights and a weird noise. I turn around to see black and white cars chasing us.

"Koya, what are those people doing?"
"They are the police."
"What is a police?"
"Are you serious?! The police are people who stop criminals."
"But we aren't crim- well I guess I am..."
"You have a good intention unlike other people so I guess it is okay but not really."

I tell Koya to drive faster and he steps on it. We begin speeding through the streets, trying to make it to the Planes so we can drive to Leafwood, where Pzyko is. Koya insist that we stop the car and explain the situation. I say that is a horrible idea but he stops the car. We get out of the car and the police stop their cars. One of them gets out and points a gun at Koya. Koya starts to talk and walk forward.

"We don't mean to cause you any trouble. You see, we are trying to get home and we are ver-"

Koya got shot! Koya digs into the wound and pulls out the bullet. He drops the bullet onto the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2016 ⏰

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