Chapter Five

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My eyes slowly open, for me to find myself inside a cage. I slowly get up, feeling sore and trying to remember what happened before I got here. All I remember is that me, Hayden, and Zyde were running from a group of people and I told Zyde to grab Hayden and run. Everything after that is blank to me. I feel a tremendous amount of my neck, arms, and legs but they look normal to me. No wounds, no cuts, nothing, nada. I get up and head for the cage door. I yell out for help and sooner or later, a person in a blue uniform with a metal stick appears.

"Hey, where am I?"
"Well, you are in a cage in Farlocke. You are about to be executed."
"For what?!"
"You killed nine officers so now shut up and wait until you are called... Stupid demon."

Demon? I'm not a demon... or maybe I turned into one without remembering. I don't think I killed anyone also. Why would I kill someone, let along nine people?! I lay down on the bed in the cage and slowly shut my eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey. Fresh meat, are you awake?"

I open my eyes and hear a feminine voice at the cage door. I get up and walk towards the cage door to see a girl a few inches shorter than me, wearing the same orange uniform as me. Speaking of which, what happened to my clothes?!

"Fresh meat, you are finally awake. Man, you are cuter when you aren't a demon."
"What do you mean by "finally awake" and "when you aren't a demon"?"
"It's been six months since you been hear and you barely woke up today."
"Yup and keep it quiet cuter. You want to get out of here and not die, right?"
"Of course I don't want to die."
"Alright then stay here until I come back."
"Do I have a choice?"
"Nope, now be a nice cutie and do what cute boys do best, looking cute. Also the name is Violet, remember that because we are going to partners once we break out."

Violet walks away from the cage door and fades into the distance to the right. I check my wrist for my bracelet and it is gone. Great... Hopefully I can get it back soon. If I am in Farlocke then Scap-Scorn should be close by, hopefully. No matter what, I have to stick to the plan and avenge my father. I lay back down on the bed and start to hear a noise getting louder and louder. Footsteps? Sounds like footsteps. I look at the cage door to see a man carrying some type of tray. He opens the cage door and puts the tray on the ground.

"Eat up, you pathetic creature."

The man walks away and I get up. I walk towards the tray to see bread, water, and an apple on the tray. I start to eat the bread and drink some water. I decide that I am going to save the apple for later because I don't know when I will be fed again. I finish up the bread and water and lay back down. My eyes slowly shut and I only see blackness.

...Cutie...wake up cutie...Cutie...

...WAKE UP!...

Ah! I wake up, everything is dark and I see a shadowy figure at the cage door. I get up and walk towards the figure.

"Violet... Is that you?"
"Aww, you remembered my name Cutie. You must like me. Hehe. So Cutie, grab the blanket on your bed and put it over your head."

I grab the blanket, put it over my head and walk back to the cage door. Suddenly, the door opens and Violet tells me to follow her. We both start walking down the hallway, trying not to make a lot noise. We get to this huge door with multiple locks on it. Must be the door to escape this horrible place.
Violet tells me to stand back. I step back and she pulls out a small gun under her blanket. She shoots the locks and tells me to follow behind her. We open the huge door and make a run for it. We continue running until we hit a body of water.

Frozen TearsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang