Chapter Six

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"Dreamer, what is it?"
"The demon escaped yesterday!"

I see a huge guy with a long black coat walk into the bar. He confronts me and gives me a mean glare. Suddenly, he points a gun at me.

"Woah! Calm down!"
"You listen here, demon, the end of the line is here for you."
"Dreamer, what are you talking about?!"
"Check his neck!"

Ashley removes my hood and looks at my neck. She then backs up away from me and points a gun at me too. Violet bursts through the door with lunch. She puts the lunch down and starts walking towards me.

"Violet, get back!"
"Shut up Ashley, I know this is the demon that escaped yesterday because I helped him escape."
"Yeah, this Cutie is mine and he isn't a bad guy. He is going to help us take down the guy we are looking for."
"No he isn't, I will blow his brains out here!"
"Let him fight you Dreamer, I bet Cutie here could beat you, one on one, no weapons."

Dreamers puts away his gun and takes off his coat. He gets into a fighting stance and Violet tells me to get up and fight him. I get up and get into a fighting stance.

"If you beat me demon, I will let you live."

Dreamer punches me in the gut, hard enough for me to spit blood out. I fall to ground and quickly get back up. I throw a punch but Dreamer grabs my punch and throws me against a wall. My back hits the wall and I slide off. I get back up and run at Dreamer. Dreamer kicks me directly in the chest, followed by a punch in the face. I hit the ground, breathing heavy, trying to find the will to get back up.

"This demon is pathetic. I bet his old hag of a mother is ashamed of him."

..."What did you call my mother?!"...

I get back up and land a direct punch on Dreamer. I continue throwing punches and Dreamer starts to block. Dreamer grabs me by the throat and slams me to ground. Blood is everywhere and I am slowly dying, I only know one thing that can save me...

"The frost of my tears, freeze the wound of my friends."

My body starts to feel cold. My bleeding has stopped. I get up and to what I find is that all my wounds are healed. Suddenly, my wrist starts to glow bright blue and my bracelet is back! I form ice gauntlets with my fists and sock Dreamer in the gut. Dreamer backs up and throws a punch at me. I dodge the punch and land one right in his jaw. I run and jump onto of him, punching him in the chest. Dreamer grabs my leg and throws me, I land on my feet and dash at Dreamer. Dreamer sticks his hand out and says:

"You did well demon. Welcome to the team."
"The name is Cerux Kiy and if you ever call my mother a hag again, I will rip open your throat."

After about fifteen minutes, everyone decides to relax and we all sit at the table. Dreamer, Ashley, and Violet explain to me that there is a guy named Dezy and that he has been killing innocent people these past six months. They explain that he wields a special type of sword that turns into a shield when Dezy wants it to. Supposedly, Dezy is going to be at this bar, tonight, to get some information from a guy. He wants to know where the place me and Violet were at yesterday for some odd reason. My job is to make stop Dezy from escaping.

"Cerux, you need to transform into a demon to stop Dezy. According to recent information, Dezy is extremely fast and can kill someone in a matter of seconds. You will be outside the bar, in the alleyway, while me and Violet are at booths and Ashley is serving drinks."

We finish eating lunch and Violet tells me to follow her outside. Me and Violet end up walking and she begins to go on about that catching this guy will surely help her out. She tells me that I belong to her and that we are going to go to her house before we have to go back at the bar. After a hour of walking, we make it back to her place. She throws me on the bed and gets on top of me.

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