Interviewing... misscreative!

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Welcome back to... yes, you guessed it, another addition of Watty Interviews: Hosted By Bee! This time, I am interviewing... misscreative! This interview, per request, is worded slightly different with a bonus question too.


How did you find out about Wattpad?

I was actually on this other site called Missliterati and someone was talking about it. And me being my nosy self I looked up the site and found this!!

When you first joined Wattpad, would you say you received a warm welcome?

Um...not really..I received one hello from someone named Emma but I already knew few friends on here they were nice!

Who would you say is your favourite writer on Wattpad?

I don’t have one yet I'm still kinda new.

When you're reading, whether on Wattpad, other sites, or just books, do you have a prefered genre?

Oh yes. I only enjoy reading fiction. I love fiction how when everything in life has to have a meaning and fiction doesn't it has no point and sometimes romance is beautiful as well.

Since you're quite new, would you say that you're addicted to Wattpad already?

Um yea I guess u could say that..i wouldn't really say I'm addicted to the site..It’s more like I'm addicted to writing on this site. Haha.

Haha. Do you have any shout-outs to anyone?

I have a shout out two: Beyond writing, Mja011 and sweetPEPPERflower

Okay, now it's onto your writing! First of all, what (or who) would you say inspired you to start writing?

Honestly? Well to be honest I don't know. I've always been the kid who wants to write the best book report or essay...and somehow that turned into writing with a passion like no other!

How old were you when you started writing?

About ten

What would you say has been your favourite story on Wattpad to write, and why?

Hmm...That’s a hard question cause each book I write has my passion of love in it. I have written tons of books on another site and am working one by one to get them on here but my favourite story would be It all Started with a Love Letter

What about your characters? Do they tend to influence your stories, or do you firmly take the lead?

I would say the characters help in a big part but I usually put as much as me into it as possible

Out of all the stories you have written, which of your characters can you most engage with and why?

Well I can relate to a lot of my characters because I personalize them the way I would enjoy reading about them. In my new book I'm planning on publishing for real hopefully this year I would say Julia Wind because of her passion for writing.

Are there any characters you don't like in your stories?

Hm....well I know I don't think that’s possible hahaha. Like I said, each character has a part of me so if I don’t like one of my characters I'm basically saying I don't like myself! >_<

If you could go back and change ONE thing in any of your stories, what would it be and why?

Well for my book marry me I think I would want to change how quick it goes. I wish I could go back and describe more!!!It's already finished which is kinda complex to do.

What would you say motivates your writing?

If you’re asking why I like to write that is simple..I love to feel my fingers dash across the keyboard venting out my feeling whether good or angry..the feelings could go on and on but I love how I can write for hours and it's like my personal journal. No one knows to me I put my story in my own journal form I actually kinda have the story go on with my life and let the characters follow. I even have journals I write stories in because that's what I love to do!

Would you like to say anything to your fans?

Yes I would like to say...dreams will always be there floating around you. But if you don't open your eyes and scan your opportunities and believe you will never achieve. Plus what’s helped me with a lot of things is God pray to him and maybe he could help you!

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