Interviewing... Roxion4ever!

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Hello everybody, welcome back to Watty Interviews: Hosted By Bee! Enjoy the latest installment - an interview with Roxion4ever!


So, how did you find out about Wattpad?

 I found out about Wattpad on a different writing site from my friends that was not nearly as cool as Wattpad. After a while, I decided to go and see what was so cool, so I got myself an account on here and I’ve been here ever since.


Would you say that Wattpad is addictive?

Yes, Wattpad is very addictive. I’ve only been on here for a short while and I’m already addicted to it. Now, I go on it every day if I’m near a computer I can use.


Who is your favourite Watty writer?

Hmm, I’d say my favorite Watty writer would be xxWhoAteMyCookiexx. Cookie writes very humorous stories that I found enjoyable, including her two boyxboy stories.


Do you have a preferred genre?

Actually, I don’t. I’ve always loved Romance and Humor, but recently I’ve found a love for Horror and Science Fiction. So, I don’t have a favorite genre.


Any shout-outs?

Yes, I’d like to give a shout out to VladimirXloverXmusic. She was one of the people who encouraged me to come to Wattpad.


Okay, now onto your stories! First of all, what (or who) inspired you to write?

Well, my grandfather actually inspired me. He always somehow ends up in my stories in one way or another.


What age did you start writing?

I started writing at about ten years old, but it was just fan fiction back then. When I entered middle school, I started writing my own original stories. What would you say has been your favourite story on Wattpad to write? Well, I have a few short stories I enjoyed writing. But, I had fun writing ‘Why So Silent’. For most of my stories, I usually let it go after the first chapter, but I actually have a pretty good plot planned for this one.


What about your characters? Do they tend to lead the path of your stories, or do you put your foot down and take the lead?

Well, usually I just let the characters do whatever and I make stuff up along the way. There’ve been a few stories I don’t let that happen, but it just depends on what I’m writing.


Out of all of your stories, which of your characters can you most engage to and why?

Well, mostly my main characters will keep me engaged in my story, but if they don’t, I usually have one of their enemies or friends entertain me. Mainly, Johanna and Hunter from ‘Why So Silent’ are the ones to keep me entertained.


Are there any characters you don't like in your stories?

I’ve written about a few characters that will be in my stories that I don’t like that will soon be up on Wattpad, but it’s not up at this moment. So, yes, there are people I don’t like in my stories.


If you could go back and change one thing in any of your stories - character wise, plot wise etc. What would it be?

Well, there are a few things I would change in my older stories, but nothing on Wattpad at the moment.


What would you say motivates your writing?

My grandfather’s death by far, along with my parent’s divorce. Without all of that, I wouldn’t have ever gotten into writing. These and my best friend are what motivate my writing.


Would you like to say anything to your fans?

Yeah, I’d like to say thanks to everyone who have ever read my stories, whether it was on Wattpad or back on Quizilla. Thanks guys, I owe you big time.



PROMOTION TIME! You can write as much as you like to promote as many of your stories as you like!

I’d like to promote my story ‘Why So Silent’ since it’s one of my newer stories that I’ve actually thought of posting. I’d also like to promote all of my short stories. You know, just go to my profile and check out what stories I have and I’ll write and upload some more soon.

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