Chapter 4

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Bee-

Red reached over and turned off his morning alarm that had so rudely interrupted his coloring session. He had woken early that morning, a couple of hours before his alarm, so he decided to spend that time finishing his drawing that he started last night. He was currently using one of his blue pencils to ever-so-carefully fill in the details of the eyes of his subject. Once that was done, he moved onto the background which required the brownish-red pencil. It was the last thing he needed to color before adding his unique flair to the drawing. While he swiftly but cautiously brushed the pencil from side to side, he heard Green yawn and walk past his door on the way to get breakfast.

Wow, he's up earlier than usual, Red thought to himself. Since they weren't in school yet, they usually slept in even after their alarms went off. But then again, so am I! Red giggled and continued coloring. "Annnd...done!" he said out loud. He'd finished the background and it was now time to add the flair. "I hope this doesn't turn out to be ugly..." He grabbed his normal drawing pencil and filled in the areas that he wanted. He shaded them extra carefully, using his pinky finger every now and then to blend the harsh lines. Once he was done, he leaned back to get a good look at his work. "Huh, not bad!" He grinned in delight and put his drawing utensils away, but kept the book out.

Stepping off his bed to get dressed, he glanced at the clock.

"Yipes! That took me almost two hours...?" He shook his head and walked over to his wardrobe, grabbing a red t-shirt and black jeans. He then traversed downstairs with his art book and found Green hastily shoving his feet into his sneakers. "Morning, big brother!" Red greeted happily.

"Oh, morning, Red!" Green replied, pausing for a short moment to smile and wave.

"I drew a picture of Blue. Do you wanna see?" Red asked, holding his book up with the drawing facing his chest.

"Uh, maybe later, okay? I'm almost late."

Rid tilted his head. "Late for what?"

"I asked Zelda out and she said yes!" Green had the biggest grin donning his face right now.

"Wow, really? That was fast! Congrats!"

"Thanks, lil' bro! I'll see you this afternoon!"

"Sure thing. Have fun!"

With that, Green left the house.

It suddenly felt very quiet.


Red sipped at his glass of water while he sat at the kitchen table. His parents still weren't up yet, and without Green around, he had no one to talk to until he went and found Blue. He had to admit that he was kind of envious of Green now. He and Zelda were so perfect for each other, and that made Red wish that he could find his soul mate. Alas, he would never find them, because he was too busy trying to fit in. His first – and probably last – breakup had been heart-shattering, and goodness knows he didn't want to go through that again.

He downed the last of his water and headed out, making sure to leave a note for his parents on the fridge first. The sun was shining gorgeously today, putting a smile on Red's face as he walked. He didn't mind if it took him a while to find Blue.

He decided to check out the park first, thinking that Blue would maybe be outside exercising or something. If he was outside at all.

The park was very quiet in the mornings, save for a few adults who were either taking a morning jog or were on their way to work. Red glanced around at each of the trees and benches but found no Blue.

Red x Blue - The Subject of Illusion (Four Swords Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now