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Green's eyes were red and puffy from crying so much, as were his parents. Police sirens echoed outside and blue and red lights repeatedly shone in through the windows. Red's family was sat down at the kitchen table, answering questions as best as they could from the investigator that sat across from them.

"I know this must be hard for you, but you really need to give us the information required," he said.

Green nodded and wiped his eyes with his sleeve.

"Now, in order to find out why your brother decided to jump, I need to ask if Red was acting stranger than usual. Was he looking paranoid or depressed at all?"

"W-well, yeah, he's...he'd always been depressed ever since his girlfriend broke up with him about a year ago, but h-he always found a way to be happy. Then... Then ever since we moved here, he started talking to someone who...wasn't really there. He called him Blue, and I think Red appointed him as our friends' brother."

"And who is this friend?"

"Friends. Vio and Shadow Hemswick."

"Hold on, son," Green's dad interjected, "We've never heard of Red talking to an imaginary friend before. Why didn't you tell us?"

"Wait, you mean Red didn't tell you?"

The father shook his head.

The investigator cleared his throat and spoke again. "So you say that Red has never talked to an imaginary friend before. Is this for his whole life, or ever since you moved?"

"His whole life," Green replied. "Well, he might have when he was younger, but the only things I've seen him talk to other than people and animals are his plush toys, not thin air."

"I see. And when did you first notice this?"

"I think it was on our second day here. Vio, Shadow, Red, my girlfriend and I were sitting at a table at the local café when he suddenly started talking to someone. We didn't know who until he said the name 'Blue'. I didn't want to say anything out loud, but I couldn't just tear everyone away to talk to them and leave Red on his own. I decided to just write a text and send it to each of them explaining why Red was a little different – they already knew that he was troubled, but I never told them the exact reason until then. They understood and just played along because we didn't want to upset him. Something else that I noticed is that I would sometimes find him in the most secluded of spots, either sitting or standing, just completely staring off into space, and it wasn't until I said something that he would snap out of it and act all nervous and flustered as if he'd been caught with his hand in a cookie jar." Green paused to take a breath. "I-it made me wonder if...Red was actually...you know..."

"Romantically involved with Blue?"

"Y-yeah..." Green took a quick side-glance at his parents who, upon receiving that information, looked positively mortified.

"Hmm... Oh, and who is your girlfriend? Sorry for being a little off-topic, but we need to question other people who knew him."

"That's okay. Her name is Zelda Hyrule."

"Now, did Red give any sort of description of Blue? What he looked and acted like?"

"Uh, not exactly. I mean, I couldn't just ask him what Blue was like because Red thought I could see him. So no, I don't know what he's... Wait, no! There is something! Be right back!" Green got up from the table and vanished up the stairs before the investigator could say anything. After causing many ruffling noises from upstairs, he came back down with Red's art book in his hands. "I remember Red came up to me once saying that he drew a picture of Blue, but I didn't look at it because I was in a rush to get out the door for my date with Zelda." He opened the book and skipped past all of Red's doodles, not entirely sure what he was looking for.

Red x Blue - The Subject of Illusion (Four Swords Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now