Chapter 8

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Red loved Blue. That was all the young blonde could think about as he lay in bed the next morning, glorious golden sunrays filtering in and lighting up the room with a gorgeous glow. All of that anxiousness, all of that attachment... He'd had a crush on Blue without even realizing it. Every single thought of the older boy that now ran through his mind made him feel positively giddy, and he'd catch himself giggling randomly every now and then. His head was just buzzing of what could possibly be in store for him, and the more he wanted to see Blue again, the more restless he got to do so.

It was all he could think about.

Not long after Blue had confessed, the two left the school and headed for the radio tower once again. Even though neither had said a word the entire trip, Red's hand refused to let go of Blue's, and he had snuggled up close to the older teenager as they walked. When they reached the old structure, they still had exchanged no words; they only sat down underneath it with Blue's arms wrapped lovingly around the younger boy. Peace was all Red could feel at that moment, and he no longer cared that his life would most likely be hell with Cynthia and the other bullies around. Blue's presence alone was enough to make him feel truly safe, and if putting up with the torment meant that he could be with him, then he'd gladly take it head on. Red had even begun to notice things about Blue that he hadn't noticed before: what he smelled like, the pace of his breath and heartbeat, that one strand of hair that refused to sit neatly with the rest of his golden locks, the way his mesmerizing cerulean eyes revealed every single thing that he was feeling... It was just all so much to take in at once, and Red loved it. He loved the way Blue's arms kept him warm, how his eyes told him there was nothing to worry about, and the way his lips felt against his own, slightly chapped but oh so entrancing, and he wanted to feel them again, and again, and again. He wanted to do everything with the older boy, but first he'd have to-

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

Red jolted in bed from the sudden blaring of the alarm clock, ridding him of all his previous thoughts. He wasn't even aware that he had awoken before it was set to go off. Reaching over, he silenced the alarm, sat up amidst the mass of sheets, and gave a large stretch.

The second he let his arms drop back down, realization hit him like a cannonball through his torso. What would he tell Green? He didn't last night just for unwanted attention's sake. Would his brother even tolerate the fact that he was now bisexual? Not even just that, but the fact that Red actually kissed another guy, and they hadn't even been on a date yet! Green said to never kiss on the first date, but Blue had jumped the gun and just gone for it before they even had a chance to, so it technically wasn't Red's fault, right? But still, the young blonde was still petrified of what his older brother, the one he'd looked up to all his life, would think of it. Maybe it was just best not to tell him...? At least not yet?


"Morning, Red!" Green greeted from the kitchen table once Red made himself known on the stairway.

"Oh, morning, Green," Red replied, walking over to his brother. He wanted to tell him. He really wanted to, but he just couldn't. He wanted to scream out to the world that he was in love with Blue and Blue was in love with him, but the tiny voice in the back of his mind told him no. Something was giving him this gut feeling that Green wouldn't approve and would go stir-crazy-protective mode on him, so he kept his mouth shut even though his heart begged him to open it and just let the words pour out like water from a waterfall.

He sat down next to his brother with no expression on his face whatsoever, causing Green to throw him a concerned look.

" alright, Red?" he asked, obviously referring to what happened the other day.

Red x Blue - The Subject of Illusion (Four Swords Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now