tag, the thirteens

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thirteen answers to fallen_tear's questions:

1. would you like to write something and be famous or would you like to write something of worth and why?

worth to whom, i ask. and even though i could do oodles with oodles, money means little to me. at the risk of not sounding insecure enough , i mostly like what i write and when i don't, i could live with that.

2. what super powers would you want to have? how would you use it and why?

i would like to make rain. i would take it where it was needed. i would water all the things that already grow but are dry for lack of water, like trees that grow outside of people's yards, the ones that are dependent on the rain. imagine how green and beautiful and flowery they'll be!

3. how did you get into reading?

i was around books since birth. i remember collections (encyclopedias, sets of classics, etc) that i touched often even when i was really little. i think a love of books starts in the handling and feel of them. when babies around me have their birthdays, this is what i buy them. even if they cannot read them or may manhandle them , i believe they must learn to touch them and get the feel, that is what i can do to instill some sort of love seed for books. i have seen toddlers who know how to page, very sloppily maybe, but that is fine and one can see they know how pages 'work'. long story, but i was introduced to reading only when i was older, but i always 'knew' books.

4. what is your favourite movie or, if you don't have one, genre?

natural born killers, the quentin tarrantino marvel. this movie contains every single nuance of life, happy or sad, good and evil, every lesson, everything one encounters in a lifetime, everything one will ever have to deal with. it is brilliant. it helps that i am a huge fan of his.

5. if you had a magical pen that had the powers to write what is to come to past, what would you write?

(peace on earth is what people expect, isn't it?) what i want to write, is an island and a boat for me. small island, big boat. an island that has waves around it, not a flat expanse of water. that huge house with the veranda right around, i always dream of and a tall boat to gallivant around on. i would write that with the pen and add peace on earth after, though i'm sure that was never written in the grand scheme of things...

6. do you have any whacky family traditions, or one that you'd like to start?

no and no.

7. do you have an idol and if so, who and why?

not really. i admire people who are comfortable in their skins. for years i was such a mandela skeptic. but the truth is, nelson mandela is special. maybe because he was a human with flaws but so much compassion and wisdom, it outweighed anything else. i adore wisdom. i am in awe of it. i am lucky to know a few very, very wise people. (i like to think i am a bit wise myself...)

8. what is the happiest memory you can think of right now?

coming home from shopping in the city with my grandmother when i was little, sitting on her very high bed (it was really high - even when she sat on it her feet did not reach the floor) and unpacking parcels and shopping bags and taking out my things from a thousand packages (or so it felt at the time) that we bought for me, among the many things we brought home, mostly materials and fabrics. it would be on a wednesday or a saturday mostly. i was in love with this routine, honestly. i would be so tired from walking, but this was the highlight. there were many of them, i'm pleased to say. and the smell of the african buses' exhausts...i can still smell that and it brings that memory back in an instant, an instant.

it's all about me. tags. and mememe.On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara