tag, what is in y-o-u-r fridge?

177 19 30

below follows a short pm between myself and someone i consider a mysterious and a special friend. the conversation referred to a profile picture of me:

him - Uhoh, where did baby come from?

me - have i ever asked u what is in your fridge?

him - You found a baby in your fridge?

Or a bun in your oven?

then followed these pms over the next day or two (i had to post them, how could i not):

the oldest thing in there.....

there's a two quart clasp type jar filled with a liquid and dormant yeast from dry mead and it's been in there for about ten years, the glass is clear and the liquid is amber

there's sesame oil in a large dark brown glass container.

there's a large clear jar of sweet & sour sauce.

there are seven Stella Artois in green glass bottles almost two years old.

there are two miller lite in brown bottles which I would never have consumed and never will, about seven years old.

two yellow mustard one Heinz and another store brand upside down and almost empty

a half gallon of half & half with about a pint left

some lettuce seeds in packets

the remnants of a one pound block of butter

a bit of bbq sauce

an empty (of pretzels) stick pretzel bag with a small handful of salt in it

eight large potatoes

a bag of carrots

a sealed 1.0 oz bag of hallertauer pelletized hops

a can of amber liquid malt

two vaccuum sealed bags of amber malt dried 3 pounds total

....and a few other insignificant anomalies.....

i have another fridge that is new and empty

much smaller and more efficient

there's also some lime soda stream

and cola soda stream,and an unopened bottle of seltzer

I don't have the fizz machine, just some flavors

and concord grape jelly

was it freudian, yes, anything left on a fridge for ten years would gain the feeling of abandonment, and might even feel lonely.....

mostly in the dark, the occasional quick flashes of light and the steady cold must feed the subconscious reality throughout the time.....

there's also some iceberg lettuce

been sitting there for three months, unopened

and a couple of salad dressings, some sorta gross italian, ok for marinades, but pretty tart for salads, down to a quarter

a ranch dressing just opened, had one salad, kept cold since bought several months back

there's a jar of bread yeast, and some yeast packets

it's fairly clean, just some onion skin pieces flaked around

there's an italian spritzer salad dressing, surprisingly good, never clogs and just right for dispensing

a green apple

2 ham glaze packs

apple cider vinegar

2 cosmopolitan soda stream

hot fudge topping

vitamin water old, terrible will never consume

hot sauce

Menthal halls triple action - they started getting sticky to the wrappers, so they went in the chill zone

block of cheddar cheese

block of sharp cheese



chocolate flavored syrup

Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce

Sweet Baby Rays Sweet dipping sauce

Philadelphia Cream Cheese 3 blocks

Plain yogurt 2 pounds


Caramel topping

Rhubarb Chutney

Liquid Smoke

White wine vinegar

Red Wine Vinegar

Some nasty syrup, fake maple, but it doesn't say that, simply corn syrup, bought some real syrup, but it's not in the fridge

I put it on my pancakes and got pissed!

I screamed and cursed the makers of that vile poison.

that's all.

i love these pms. they are special. i am in awe of his fridge(s) and him. (though, to be honest, i do not know a quarter of the items he listed) this is one of the reasons i love wp, i get some really interesting private messages.

so. do you know something interesting about someone's fridge? or garage? or kitchen drawer that they will not mind you sharing? or anything else that amazes you about a friend from wp? something that touched or impressed you, but was not really meant to, it just turned out that way? (this is not really any tag as such)

i could write a few things.



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