01: Apart of the crew?

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*Tylee King

Almost breaking my neck I moved a box of my items out the hallway of my Stone Mountain home. Everything was everywhere it's almost too hard to think. Gripping a chunk of my brown hair and sighing deeply, I moved another box out the way with my foot. Moving was always a troubled job, but this is my first time on my own and I JUST know mommy and daddy are waiting for me to crawl back home.

Hearing Nicki Minaj's High blear from my iphone knocked my out my ocean of thoughts. Looking upon my messy unpacked house in search of it. Finding it under some clothes that I called myself folding. Not even looking at the screen to see who was calling I answered it.

"Hello." I spoke into the transmitter of my telephone

"What you doing?!" A loud voice yelled into the phone, knowing that voice I laughed before answering.

"Honey why you hella loud?" I said walking into my kitchen "cause Asian's always loud." She said, she always using being Asian as an excuse.

"Whatever. What can I help you with today?" I opened my fridge being major disappointed to find no damn food in it. Shutting it and going into my purse to check and see if I had my black card for food.

"Let me talk to her!" I heard my main Asia yell more than likely taking the phone from Honey

"Hello!" She said loudly

"Yes baby mama!" I laughed

"What you doing?" She asked

"Nothing at my new house." I looked around...this was far from a house. Far from home it felt bare.

"Oh well we on our way so get dressed." She replied

"Why? If y'all coming here?" I asked smartly

She kissed her teeth "Bitch! Why you asking questions?" She laughed making me do the same

"Don't do it hoe!" I replied

"Okay Lee you got it! But uh seriously my boo Ty and his homies live over there." I heard the smile present in her voice

"Yet that has nothing to do with me." I rolled my eyes

"Hoe that has everything to do with you. You apart of the crew now." She replied with an attitude

She always claiming that I'm apart of their crew. But the problem was I didn't know who they were. I know a little about Ty because she talk about him way too much, but as much as the rest I don't know them.

"Yeah okay." I rolled my eyes playing in my hair

"You just scared." She mumbled

"Why would I be scared." I raised an perfectly brown arch eye brow

"Cause you scared they ain't gone like you." She spoke up loud and clear.

"No I'm not." I lied through my teeth

"Come on Lee no body care of you white or purple cause I sure as hell don't. You cool nothing gone happen." She convinced me.

Thinking about it for a minute "besides they be making fun of honey and her Asian self too, so don't feel bad." She laughed in hopes of making me feel better....she lucky it did.

"Okay. I'll go." I gave in

"Thank you wifey! We'll be there in bout 20 minutes." She said

"Okay I'll be ready." I told her

"Cool holla at you later then." She said before we said our last good byes. Hanging up I went to go get dressed in hopes I can find clothes quickly and not waste time. After hopping out the shower I put on a pair of black jeans, a white Tupac shirt, a pair of black and white 13's and a beanie. Grabbing my phone and keys I went out side to sit on my steps until Asia and Honey come.

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