03: The Apology

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Calling Khalil's number for the 3rd time I waited until he answered. He plays far too many games for me. He knew that I was picking Caden up this morning and instead of having him ready I have to call him 3 damn time. Shaking my head I shifted my dead weight onto my other leg ruffling my messy curls.

"Hello." He sounded like he was still sleep.

"Is my son ready?" I asked calmly

He kissed his lips loudly "Man I just woke up so I know he ain't up." He replied smartly, see the decisions you make when you're in love...shaking my damn head.

"I told you yesterday when yo ass decided to call me a bad mother, that I was coming to pick him up so why he ain't ready?" I snapped

"Man I know you better take yo attitude down to 3 you on about a 10 Lee!" He replied. Another reason I can't deal with his child irresponsible self.

"Look here Bruh! You better have Caden dressed and ready bout time I arrive at yo doorstep." I said calmly

"What's gone happen if I don't?" He tried it

"You've known me long enough to know what I'll do." I may be white, but I ain't scared to fight. NO ONE, I just choose to chill so I guess people take that as a weak trait, but uh you got the right one today...and you playing with my son? No sir. Not today.

"Whatever Lee." He laughed

"Yeah whatever have my son ready." I said before hanging up

I threw on some black sweats and a black sweat shirt putting my hair in a tight ponytail and some black and white J's. Grabbing my phone, keys and wallet I went to the guest bed room where Asia was slumbering.

"Asia!" I yelled making her jump

"Whhhhat!" She dragged out with her hair all over her head and arm hanging half way off the bed

"I'm going to go get Caden so be aware I'm gone." I told her waiting for her response

"My god son?" She asked

"You only have one." I laughed, the hung over Asia was clue less.

"Okay." She replied

"Advils are in the hall bathroom knock two of them back with water behind them and it should take care of that mean head ache." I laughed at her, that's why I didn't drink.

"Thank you...god bless you." She mumbled making me laugh even harder

"You welcome, I'm out to go get my child" I chucked up the duces closing the door behind me. Then got into my car. Khalil lives in bank head not too far from my new place so getting over there was easy. I parked along the side walk getting out knocking on the door three time then taking a step back waiting for him to answer.

The locks twisted and a shirt less Khalil stood looking me up and down.

"What?" I asked

"Nothing. Come on it's cold." He grabbed me pulling me in his house.

"Where's Caden?" I asked shrugging his hands off me

"Sleep still, but he ready." He pointed to the sofa where Caden sat dressed with a jacket on knocked out. He better had listened to what I said.

"Okay. So when do you want to get him?" I asked turning my attention to Khalil now "uh next week I can't do it." He relied

"I didn't ask you what you couldn't do Khalil dear, I asked you when do you want your son aka when can you get your son." I rolled my eyes

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