10: Us against the world

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*Chris p.o.v

~ few days later~

A nigga was hyped lee was coming home today...I asked Asia if she could pick lee up cause I was planing her some romantic shit I was gonna take her out to eat I was gonna tell her that I was really feeling her like really like a nigga might be falling...

I know lee is the simple type so she wouldn't want to go to a expensive place like we did on our first date...

So I planned this cute little picnic with this bomb ass view and then I would give her the necklace I bought her a few days ago...

Just because I'm that nigga I know people so the picnic already set up all I need to do is get ready and pick up lee fine ass!

I texted Asia


Yo when you pick up lee make sure she gets dressed but don't tell her where we going..

From: sis

Nigga you know damn well lee ain't doing shit without me telling her why..But how should she dress?

To: sis

I mean idc just make sure it's not pajamas lmaoo...shidd I honestly wouldn't care she look good in everything...

From: sis

Yasss! Lmaoo my wife is sexy as fuck you better not hurt her or do some Ty shit ....

To: sis

Your wife? Nah I don't share..but I feel you sis I have mad feelings for her... But as for you and Ty y'all just going through a rough patch don't give up on my nigga.

From: sis

I'm trying ... lBut if he keep doing single shit then that's what he gonna be! cause if anyone don't have Ty back I do. and he takes advantage of that shit like when he we was just friends and he still had all his hoes I was there...but he not gonna just play me...

To : sis

I know sis but you gotta hold him down even through the hard times and if he keeps continuing to fuck up the you can do you ,but he's trying A I swear out of all the years I knew him you the only one that got him like this he deadass gonna marry you one day.


Hell yeah his fried rice looking ass gonna marry me! I ain't put up with his shit for nothing lmaoo but ill let you know when me, lee and lil man are on the way to her place.

To: sis

iight thanks.

And with that the conversation was over and I took this time to get ready. I got in the shower I put on a button over it with a pair a jeans and and some sneakers with a SnapBack.

About an hour later I got that text from Asia saying she was gonna take C out for icecream, and how lee was in the shower about to get dressed.

20 minutes later I got a call from lee

I answered it.

"Hey baby." I said

"Hi handsome umm I know something's up can you tell me where we going?"

"Lee...Now you know I'm not gonna tell you!" I said as I laughed

"Well I'm dressed so you can hurry up so I can see my lemon bar!"

"Iight bae I got you I should be there in like 10.." And I hung up got my keys and drove to lees house

When I got there Asia and c opened the door...

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