09: Answers

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"Who is Chris?" Khalil asked looking in the windows of my soul.

"Why?" I replied pressing my lips together

He kissed his lips before flexing his jaw.

"Man stop playing Lee who the hell is Chris?" He asked again but this time louder

"Shut up Khalil. Damn he's my boy friend." I replied sharply

"Oh word we on that?" He asked with his hand up to his mouth

"On what? I never said I'd get back with you....so you trippin." I shook my head looking at my son sleep

"Iight whatever. Bet he ain't like me." He replied like a child.

Laughing in his face I shook my head.

"You right...he way better then you!" I laughed again running a hand through my long brown hair

"Yeah whatever. Watch he cheat and you come crying back to me." He mugged

"Oh cause every dude cheat?! My boo ain't you so go take a walk with that wit yo nut ass." I heard enough! He not gone stand here and come at Chris like that.

Before he could get another word in Caden woke up crying.

"What wrong baby." I rushed over to him

Not speaking a word he rubbed his eye and climbed into my lap laying his head on my full chest.

I guess he had spoken. Enough was enough.

"Are you going to the park with us or not?" I spat at Khalil who was still mugging my life down

"Yeah." He said sharply...so sharp it felt like it cut me, but I'll be Iight.

He stormed out the room not forgetting to slam the door.

No respect. Not for me, his son...or his mother. Slamming her door like that...in HER house.

Looking down at a sleeping Caden I decided to wake him up.

"Baby boy wake up." I picked him up

He moved around before getting comfortable. This boy...

"Caden baby wake up." I patted his back

He whined a little before he opened his beautiful eyes. This is truly god's gift to me, the reason I get up....besides Chris

"Good morning." I smiled at him

"Eat." He whined before yawning

"Well hello to you too." I laughed at his blunt self.

He kissed my cheek before laying his head back on my shoulder

Walking over to our bag I grabbed both our tooth brushes.

After freshening up I dressed Caden and I for the park. By now he was up and full of life.

"Ma!" He yelled as he watched t.v on the bed

"What baby?" I yelled from the bathroom. We're a loud bunch

"Grandma." He replied not even looking at me but instead his spongebob episode that came on t.v seems like every weekend.

"Okay I'll take you to go see grandma when I'm done." I was trying to do something to this head of mine.

"K..." he replied still looking at the t.v

While I was doing the back of my head Asia called me.

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