The Explosion

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Skylar POV

As soon as Anna got into my car, I sped off as fast as I could without a care in the world. Kendrick has Ben. I just know it. He is my best friend, maybe I want more than that. I still haven't figured out my feelings about that stuff yet. It felt like forever, but we finally got to the house. Anna and I got out of the car and stared at the house for a second, while I thought up a plan to get Ben back.

There was no electricity in the building, I'm guessing. There was no buzz of a generator, air conditioner, or electrical lighting. There was no light source of any kind, from what I could see outside. I looked over to Anna, quickly realizing she had been looking at me the whole time. What did that mean? I'll think about it later.

"I have a plan." I told her.
"What is it?" She asked.
"You knock on the door, acting as bait, and wait until someone comes to open the door. If no one does, then just walk inside, not like barging in. I'll go through the back door, waiting for your signal. You'll pretend to start coughing, letting me know they found you. I'll go inside and sneak around. I know they'll capture you, so if you go into the same room as Ben, cough again. If not, sneeze. It's subtle, but they won't understand. I'll wait two more minutes, then come find you. When you're safe, help me get Ben. We grab him, go back to the car, and drive to the police station."
"Are you sure it's going to work?" She says scared.
"I promise it will." I pull her in a reassuring hug. When I let go, I move the car away from plain sight so they won't know I'm coming.

Anna Kendrick POV

"Go downstairs to the basement, cut the pipe full of gas with these, and don't turn the heat on. Got it?"
"Yes ma'am." He says.

The gas will leak into the house. When Skylar and Anna get here, and I know they will, I'll turn on the heat, causing the gas to explode. I'll get out of the way just in time. I'm only doing this for revenge. When I was Skylar's age, I really wanted to be on Broadway. I tried out for Rent, but they changed my part into a boy and gave it to Skylar. Of course. A little later that year, I tried out for True Blood. Anna got my part. Of course. Two years later, I was dating this guy named Michael. He was a few years older, but we really loved each other. He broke up with me for another girl. Guess who? Anna friggen' Camp. Later they got married. You see my point? No? Well I'll explain further. Michael was my best friend ever since primary school. We would hang out every single day. He was my first crush, kiss, and boyfriend. We went out for three years. One night in August, we were on this really romantic picnic on the beach. All of a sudden next to me, I see Michael down on his knee holding a black box.
"Anna Kendrick. Will you do me the honor of..."
"What?" I say excitedly.
"Oh nothing never mind. The next thing I see is him checking out some blonde slut down at the end of the beach. He made his way over to her. A year later they were married. Where was I? In my room, tweeting about how it sucks to be single. All the other audition stuff I could've dealt with, but that was the last straw.

Ten minutes later, the guy comes back up. "It's done."
"Great. All we have to do is leave the bait here, Ben, and let them come to us. You disconnected the door bell right?"
"Yeah why?"
"The electrical spark from the doorbell could burn this whole place down. Now let's get out of here."

I run upstairs to make sure Ben is still tied to his chair. Yup, there he is. Now all we have to do is wait outside.

Anna Camp POV

I walk up the rickety old steps to the front door. I was about to ring the doorbell when I realize its been ripped out of the wall. I knock on the door instead. After three minutes, someone finally answers it.
"What do you want?" He's a very large, muscly man with a deep voice. He's at least two heads taller than me, and I'm wearing heels.
"Is Ben here?"
"Yeah he is actually." He says with a slight smile spreading across his oily face. "Why don't you come in and see him."

I walk inside, only to be held tightly against the man. I'm being tied up, and see the top of Skylar's head. I now know he can hear me. I start violently coughing. Skylar's head pops up so only his eyes are showing. He sees me, and pops back down. I'm being taken upstairs, when I hear the very faint noise of a door opening. I cough some more to cover up the sound. The man plops me down on a hard wooden chair. He ties my legs to the chair's legs, wraps my arms around to the back, and ties my wrists together.

I look over to my left to see the worst sight I could possibly think about in this situation. Ben is tied up in the chair next to me, the same way. His wrists are bleeding from rope burn. His nose oozing blood too. His right eye is swollen and bruised. A large gash covers his left forearm, dripping blood, and already becoming infected. Bruises cover his cheeks and and legs. He possibly could not look any worse. He is not unconscious, just in major shock. In his state, if he doesn't go to the hospital, he might.... I don't even want to think about it. I remember I have to cough so Skylar knows I'm with Ben.
"Are you ok?" Ben finally asks, looking up at me. All I do is wink at him. He understands, and nods his head. I don't want to explain anything to him yet. Someone could easily listen in on our conversation.

Skylar POV

I hear Anna 'coughing' again. That's great! She's with Ben. All I have to do is take out this very big man towering above my head at the moment. He punches my chin. I stagger back a few feet. I feel warm liquid dripping from my mouth. Blood, but its not important now. I kick him 'where the sun don't shine'. He falls to the ground. I punch him in the face a few more times, and he's out like a light.

I run into the house and go upstairs to get Anna. "Anna, Ben? Where are you?" I yell for them. I hear nothing for a solid minute, and decide to investigate. I check half of the rooms in the hallway. I hear Anna screaming. "Don't worry! I'm coming to save you!" I finally find where they are.

The first thing I see when I look in the doorway is Ben. He looks so awful, and I can only blame myself. None of this would have happened if I stayed with Ben and didn't let Anna kiss him. Across the room is Anna tied to a chair. Kendrick is leaning over her, holding a rusty knife to her throat. Kendrick is whispering some things to Anna, as Anna cringes at her words. Whatever they are. Without makig a sound, I walk over to behind Ben and untie him. I guess the ropes are louder than I thought as they hit the floor. Kendrick whips her head around to us, smirking.
"I see you came to save your best friend and your girlfriend."
"She's not my..."
"I don't care." She interrupted. "I can only say one thing. It wasn't your fault Skylar. It's Anna's. She stole my 'was soon to be' fiancé two years ago. I'm just here to get my revenge." Without saying anything else, Kendrick plunges the knife into Anna's lower stomach and just leaves. But before she does, she says,"I think it might get a little warm in here soon."

What did she mean by that? Whatever. I untie Ben and Anna really fast. Ben says he can walk, so I carry Anna to the car. Before we leave the room, I smell something burning, hear a fire blazing, and the explosion comes. Everything goes black.

Another chapter coming tomorrow and one on monday. This will end soon. Vote on a cover for the sequel on instagram: @katie122000
Follow me on twitter too: @KatieGogolen

Behind the scenes-a Skylar Astin POVWhere stories live. Discover now