The Not-So-Stranger

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Skylar POV

Ben and I search around his house for a few minutes when I hear floor boards creaking. The intruder must be coming downstairs.

I call Ben over to where I'm at under the stairs, holding a small kitchen knife-just in case. The person coming down wears a bright blue dress with black high heels, and has familiarly blonde hair.

"I was hoping you'd come home soon." she says sweetly. I know that voice from somewhere, but I just can't place it. We come out from our hiding spot to see the person we have been waiting weeks to see. And its all my fault. Anna.

"How the hell did you get here?" I ask. "Last time I checked, you were in a coma."

"I got out a few days ago. I thought I'd come and surprise you. I also heard that you two are together. Is that true?"

"You mean, like, together together?" Ben asks. She nods. "Would you be mad if we were?"

"Why on Earth would I be mad? I think its cute! You're perfect together. Why dont we all go out for dinner tonight and celebrate?"

Tonight? Hell, I was just kidnapped and I've been through a lot in the past couple days. I think I'll take a raincheck.

"Sorry, we cant." Ben says before I do. "We were just coming back from... vacation. And we're like really tired. I was just going to drop Skylar off at his house, and then going to bed myself. Can we do it tomorrow?" he lies through his teeth.

"Yeah. I guess so." she seems a lite disappointed. But it can wait.


Ben drives me home, and we talk for a minute before I get out of the car.

"I don't think I am do this anymore, Skylar."

"Do what?"

"This. Being with you. I don't think we'll work out if one of us always runs into trouble. Plus, its been a couple weeks already, and we haven't even had our first date yet. We always end up fighting, and one of us always gets hurt. Literally. I can't see you anymore."

"Fine. Whatever makes you happy."

I smile at him, but all the anger inside me starts to bubble up, and I can't control it. I punch Ben right in the cheek, making it bleed. He's right. One of us always gets hurt. Maybe thats what will always happen.

He looks at me with horror and hatred and disgust in his eyes. I open the door of the car, but before I get out I say," You're right. You'll never have to see me again.

And that was the very last time I ever saw Ben Platt.

Behind the scenes-a Skylar Astin POVWhere stories live. Discover now