Goin' Home

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Mick, Marianne, Anita, Keith and I stood in line for the flight that would take us home that night. They all looked very tired because they'd slept in, for the whole day. After Mick had given me the letter, he'd yawned, said to get some sleep, and then walked off announcing that we'd be leaving tonight. I swear, all I did was stare at the letter after he left,

'I WILL come back'

I will, too.


Katie's POV:

It was like any other day, a nice Monday. I woke up and trudged downstairs, then I grabbed the record Bill and Charlie had given me. Putting the needle down, the recorder is what started the song. It set me at ease, knowing that that sound was made by Brian, that he helped to write and create this music. I smiled over at the picture that Brian's parents had given me, it was framed now.

He smiled back through the glass and I walked over to the window to clean it. Whenever I clean windows, I always start at where I'd started on July 12, 1962. I opened the store, and since it was pretty warm for November, I left the door open so the breeze could get in. Then the phone rang.

"Hello?" I held the phone between my ear and shoulder as I wiped the glass nearest to the phone.

"Hey Katie," Charlie said, "they're back"

I swear, I almost dropped the phone.


Brian's POV:

"Hey Charlie, who you talkin' to?" I asked as we held a little party back at the studio. As soon as we'd come in, I noticed that Charlie had almost immediately gone to the telephone. He looked over at me with wide eyes before abruptly setting the phone down and shaking his head, "oh nobody, Brian, how was your trip?"

"Good, I suppose" I answered with a shrug. He walked up to me, "I heard you, um, met a girl there" he said in a low voice, I frowned sadly and agreed; "ya, she was Katie, b-but-" I stopped mid-sentence, the record store! It was a short walk from here! Oh, when will this party be over?

"But?" Charlie looked at me weirdly before going over to Mick and Keith. Bill approached,

"hey man, how've you been?"

"I saw Katie"

His eyebrows drew together at that, "I saw her do"

"What?!" I couldn't resist asking, "when?"

He shrugged a bit before answering, "I don't know, was it; yesterday? Ya, yesterday"


"A-at the record store?"

He nodded, "yep, showed 'er the song you wrote 'bout her-"

"What?! What if she doesn't like it what if-" I interrupted his words.

"She loved it, absolutely went wide eye for it, we ended up just leavin' it with 'er" he interrupted my interruption.

"She...loved it?" I said while putting a hand to my lips.

"Brian," Bill put a hand on my shoulder, "you shoulda seen her face, totally shell shocked"

She loved it! She loved it! She loved it! I was basically jumping up and down inside.

"But she was at the record store?"

"Ya" Bill answered while eyeing me wearily.

"Oh thanks man, but I go somewhere to go now!" I said quickly before heading towards the door. I had just touched the handle when; "where are you going, Brian?"

I turned toward Mick, Charlie, Keith and Bill, my bandmates.

"K-Katie-" I started.

"Right," they all muttered at once. Then Keith looked at me, a smile adorning his face, "well, go then!"

I smiled greatfully before rushing out of the recording studio.

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