12: missing teacher and sharing a kiss

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you're welcome in advance ;)

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"If you read the homework you should know the two ways that ants communicate," our teacher Mr. Gregory says, walking down the row to stand next to mine and Buffy's table. He turns to me, seeing me with my face resting in my palm and my attention more on having hot fantasies about Angel then ants, and his lips purse together. "Miss Bennett."

Leaning back in my stool so I'm sitting straighter I turn to the aging teacher. "The ways ants communicate," I repeat, trying to come up with a bullshit answer that sounds at least somewhat along the lines of what Mr. Gregory is looking for.

He nods. "From the homework."

"Um," I stammer, looking past our teacher to see Willow waving her hands in order to get my attention. I see Willow petting Xander's back. "Um, touch."

Mr. Gregory nods his head.

Next I see Willow smelling Xander. Cocking an eyebrow, I say the first thing that comes to mind. "B.O?"

A guy sitting at the table in front of me says, "Thank God someone finally had the courage to mention that."

Mr. Gregory does not look amused. "That would be touch and smell, Miss Bennett. Is there anything else Miss Rosenberg would like to tell you?"

Sighing, I run my fingers through my hair as he dismisses us. I give Xander an apologetic look as he leaves the class.

Mr. Gregory turns around to look at me. "Can I see you for a moment?" Nodding, he waits until all the students left the classroom before speaking. "I know you've gotten in trouble for fighting and coming to school drunk on a few occasions."

Leaning against one of the lab table, I bite the inside of my cheek. "Yeah, well, not my best moments."

Mr. Gregory swipes away some prints on his glasses. "You have a first-rate mind and you can think on your feet. Imagine what you could accomplish if you actually did the-"

"The homework," I finish, pursuing my lips together.

"I understand you probably have a good excuse for not doing it. Amazingly enough, I don't care. I know you can excel in this class, and so I expect no less. Is that clear?"

Nodding, I say, "Totally. I am sorry, and I will work on doing the homework next time."

"Don't be sorry, be smart. And please don't listen to the principal or anyone else's negative opinion about you. Let's make them eat that permanent record. What do you say?" He actually smiles.

I can't help but smile back. "Thank you." I grab my book bag.

"Chapters six through eight."

I nod before leaving the classroom.


Walking down the stairs in The Bronze, we wear Xander behind us. Us three girls turn, and are immediately engulfed in his arms. Willow and Buffy under his arms, while I'm mushed in the middle.

"What are you doing?" I ask Xander, wiggling my way out from the sandwich I was in between Buffy and Willow.

"Work with me here. Blayne had the nerve to question my manliness. I'm just gonna give him a visual."

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