Journal Entry 1

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June 5th 2010- 2:30 A.M.(Draco's journal entry)

I woke up with a searing pain on my palms and my wrists. It felt like a red hot pencil was piercing my skin. I bit down on my pillow as not to scream and did my best to not look down at my wrists and palms, knowing it would only make things worse. I silently cursed the witches and wizards in the divination department for knowing these things, and for using the magical quills that carve into people's skin. I began to worry- thoughts rushing through my brain. What if the person writing it had messy handwriting and I couldn't read it? What if the spell was cast wrong? What if they think I'm a different person? What if I get more than one person for love or hate? What if I get no one? I swallowed hard and waited. It took about 3 minutes for the process to be done.

I knew it would be happening soon. It happens at the time of day that you were born on your 11th birthday. You get your clock and the names.

I rubbed my left and right wrist with my sore hands. I was too tired to look at the names or the ever present countdown of when I will meet one of the people, I decided to go back to sleep.

Last night my dreams were full of laughter from other kids over having so many enemies that the names went up to my elbow. When I checked my right wrist it was empty and only a sad face was tattoo'd into my skin- as if the wizard or witch who wrote it was mocking me.

I woke with a start this morning, I was covered in sweat and felt as if I hadn't gotten one minute of sleep. I checked the time that read 7:30 A.M. I sighed and rubbed my face, bringing back red hot pains in my palms. I clenched my hands, figuring I had to look at it sometime, plus curiosity was eating away at me. I decided to look at my palms first so I closed my eyes and put a pillow over my wrists as to not accidentally see them. I placed my palms side by side and slowly opened my eyes.

2 months: 6 days: 5 hours: 20 minutes

I bit my lip nervously, palms still together I stood up so the pillow would fall off. I took a deep breath in. Spanning from the left wrist to the right, in tiny neat cursive it says Harry Potter. I mentally went through the articles I had read leading up to my today, trying to explain what was happening. I knew who he was, but I didn't understand- was he my soul mate? Or was he my sworn enemy? It would make sense if we were sworn enemies because when his parents were alive they never got along with father. But it didn't make sense, why it went over both wrists- Did that mean I liked... boys?! Father will not be pleased about this.

I heard father's heavy steps coming up the stairs and I quickly took off my t-shirt and threw on a sweater, despite the unusually warm weather. I layed down on my bed and tried to act casual by reading a spell book.

He knocked and then entered before I could reply. "So Draco" he strutted in smirking, "it's your birthday today and you know what that means" he said it proudly. "So who is the lucky girl Hm? And who do you need to stay away from? How long until you meet one of them?" He sounded like an excited school girl who is trying to find out who a friend had a crush on. Yet he still sounded so- arrogant. I kept my eyes on the floor and replied quietly "don't worry father, she's a pureblood. I'm not worried about it" I stood up and combed my hair in front of my mirror.

"Well who is it?" he said, the smile had dropped from his face when I avoided his question.

"Dad I'm only eleven okay? I don't really want to worry about it right now..." I trailed off and continued combing back my hair and gelling it even though it looked fine.

He stared at me for a minute "well how long until you meet one of them?" He said in a tone that let me know that I would have to tell him eventually.

"About two months father" I replied quietly. I saw it on his face that he knew just as good as I did that that's around the time I would be getting to Hogwarts. When I had calculated it exactly it was around the time I would be on the Hogwarts express, arriving at Hogwarts, and getting sorted.

He nodded. I slipped past him, leaving him in my room and muttered something about getting breakfast. I trotted down the stairs and saw my mom drinking coffee and occasionally flicking her wand to make the frying pan flip bacon and eggs, Cooked just so, squeeze orange juice- just so, and press waffles just so.

I entered the kitchen and walked up to her. "Mom it happened and something went wrong" I said to her quietly so my father wouldn't hear. She looked up from the Quibbler she had been reading and nodded at me, flicking her wand so that the food plated itself and avoided being burnt. She hurried me into her room and locked the door, putting a silencing charm on the room so my father wouldn't be able to eaves drop.

"Show me" she said, sounding completely calm, which was the opposite of how I was feeling. I pulled up the sleeves on my sweater and turned so she could see the slowly ticking down clock and the name.

She looked perplexed. "I have never seen something like this sweety" She pulled out her wand and whispered a few words into it. "I sent a message to Xenophilius Lovegood, I didn't tell him who was on your wrist just the situation, although I'm sure he's seen something like this before. There may be a mistake sweety- it happens."

I looked at her and felt a bit better, until she instantly had the tip of her wand light up, notifying her that she had a message. "You mean it's happening to Draco too? Narcissa I think we both know what's going on here, the same thing is happening to Mr. Potter, Divinations just informed me so when I asked." the voice trailed from her wand quietly.

She looked at me, and then looked out the window. I was surprised to see her so worried, and I realized the calm manner she was putting on was just for my own good. She wouldn't have used a fast speaking charm if she wasn't freaked out, usually she would write a letter and send it by owl, and she definitely wouldn't have asked a Lovegood for help. But knowing Xenophilius' great understanding of magic and the strange things within he was a reasonable choice.

"Mom what does he mean you already understand?" I asked her quietly, she was still staring out the window silently.

"There's a possibility, that-" she paused to think for a minute. "There's a possibility that Harry potter is both your soul mate and your sworn enemy..."

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