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January 8th 2o11, Realtime, Draco's P.O.V.,7 p.m. Slytherin Common Room

"I'm not sure about that, I'm fairly sure the answer to number four is mugwart" I point at my book as I speak. "If you mixed it with gaesal balm it would turn green not blue..."

Pansy looks at me for a minute before sighing deeply. " yes, BUT if you add mugwart it will only be blue for a couple seconds before exploding!" She flips to a different page in the potions book which has a diagram of compatible and non compatible items.

I slump back in my chair, away from the coffee table that our mass amount of papers are on. "Okay so we're both wrong, but at least we eliminated 2 out of 4 possible answers. And we know that Tail of Raven would make the potion into a slightly more complex hypnosis potion not a simple sleeping potion so..."

Pansy looks up at me as I look at her, we excitedly lock eyes after realizing the answer. My finger slides down to answer choice three as we both say "slug slime!"

Pansy starts laughing and gives me a high five. "Nice deductive skills Malfoy, hey thanks for studying for the big tests with me, I feel much more prepared now."

I turn back a couple chapters to a colourful chart. "No problem, but okay you really need to learn simple things like what changes what colours, Snape wanted us to memorize that ages ago! If you mess up something simple like that on the test he will ridicule all of Slytherin house for ages."

Pansy rolls her eyes and flips her page back to the chart she showed me moments ago, which she had kept marked with a finger since then. "Yea well you need to understand compatibility."

"I bet I can memorize mine first"

"You're on Malfoy." Pansy looks up at me and leans back in her chair, pulling a pillow to her stomach and tucking her legs into a criss cross position. Fitting her whole body into a small portion of the chair. "So, even studying didn't cheer you up- and the minute you got to school you went to Madam Pomfrey. What happened Draco?"

"Nothing, it's fine, I'm not upset." I look at the slowly dying fire and shoot a light burst of flame into it to keep it going.

"Draco don't you lie to me." She stares at me intensely.

"Pansy, even if something happened it doesn't matter now" I pluck at a stray fiber coming from the arm of my chair.

"Shut up, you're always like that. You always have been. You always let him do whatever he wants and you blame yourself."

"Who do you mean? I dont understand why youre so upset..."I say quietly, still not daring look in her eyes.

She sighs and looks down at the ground, before standing up and picking up her things from the coffee table, not even bothering to tidy them in her arms- which usually bugs her half to death. "You know who Draco, your father."

"Pansy I'm sorry-"

"You don't need to be sorry, that's the problem Draco. Especially with me. You're my friend. I wish you would let me at least know what he did." She shuffles her books and parchment to one arm and waves her wand over my face, whispering something I can't understand under her breath while doing so. I feel a warm sensation on my face then slight pangs of pain.

"What did you do?" I squeak, feeling my slightly swollen face "Did you hex me?"

Pansy rolls her eyes and waves her wand back over my face. "It's a type of revealing spell. It shows what the receiver is thinking about as long as it includes their own body." She puts her wand in her back pocket. "I knew what I would see, I just- wish this wasn't happening." She turns away and goes up the stairs, cloak billowing behind her.

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