Letter to Harry

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2010, Letter to Harry, Found in a trunk

Dear Potter,

You know how- Weasle(y) was gossiping about things he shouldn't have, well the things about me and my father? Well- I'm sure because of all the information Weasel was able to supply you with, you figured out it's more than just the newspaper fluff piece for when they have nothing better to write about. Yes, my father is- well. I don't even know how to tell you Harry. Abusive. Yea. Severely abusive.

My dad, he never, I can't. I've never talked to anyone about it- besides my mother- but I'm not writing this to make you feel bad for me. I guess I want to say- (and I'll bloody kill you if you tell anyone I said this) I'm- sorry...? I saw McGonagall storm out to you and I'm sure you got an earful- that woman seems like she could have the potential of being a Howler.

Anyway, about my father, I have to impress him. The only way I can do that is by being arrogant and awful and terrible and I'm sorry. I'm sure you don't understand but if I went home and father found out I had- god forbid conversed with a Bowtruckle bearing Hufflepuff- I wouldn't be able to see out of an eye for a couple days and may have more than one broken bone, and to think of what he would do to my mother, while I'm at school since he can't hit me he would take out his anger on her- say it's her doing, send me letters about what he is doing-

I'm sorry. I must be bloody mad for writing with a quill instead of one of those handy erasable muggle quills. I don't mean for you to worry- just. I'm not my father, Potter, I want to be your friend. But if those things are the little things he would do to me for simply talking nice to a Hufflepuff what would he do to me if I was consulting with- with-... you. It's not fair you're *bloody wonderful* cool.

* crossed out

Uhm, enough of that tough stuff. I want to be your friend so uh, I'll just maybe ask some questions so we can get to know each other, yeah. What's your favourite colour? Favourite school subject so far? Favourite food? What do you like to do in your spare time, like out of school? Will you hang out with me sometime (in secret though)? I guess most importantly what's your story?

I hope you don't stay mad long because I don't want that. Sorry for this letter Potter.  

Please don't show Granger or Weasel or any Gryffindor for that matter.



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