Video Diary

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2010, Recorded on a video camera, video camera found in a trunk

*fuzz covers the screen before dissolving and revealing Draco and Harry in the Room of Requirements. Draco is very close to the screen and Harry is a bit farther back simply looking at Draco and laughing as Draco tries to figure out the muggle device*

"Potter I don't think it's on, are you sure this Muggle device is fully functional"

Harry walked up behind Draco, grabbing the video recorder from him. " No you weirdo, see that little red blinking light?" Harry pointed at a spot off camera "That means it's recording, so lucky us can record all your confusion about my muggle things and watch them later"

Draco looked at Harry slightly puzzled then drops the expression for one of smug disinterest. "Fine potter let's get it over with then."

Harry set the camera down on a side table, and sat on the floor, attempting to aim the camera at  the floor where a large box was sitting. Draco rolled his eyes at Harry and whispered "Wingardium Leviosa." the Camera hovered slightly over head tilting at a certain angle so that it was able to capture both of the young wizards and the large box between them.

"Thanks" Harry muttered sheepishly. "Okay lets do this then!" Harry ripped the tape off the box that was addressed to him in tiny scratchy lettering. Harry J. Potter, That wizarding school, somewhere I'm not allowed to know, England (?) The return address (which is honestly such a muggle concept , why not just sign the letter? If you are sending the letter to someone they most likely know who you are so they'll know where to find you or their owl will. Plus unlike muggle post mail doesn't get lost going by owl) read- 4 Privet Drive, Dudley Dursley.

Draco studied the writing on the box for a moment. "Isn't this your awful cousin? Who bullied you while you were stuck in a cabinet under the stairs, pushed you to magical outbursts when you didn't even know you were a wizard, and is an overall spoiled pig that Hagrid gave a tail to?"

Harry laughed at the blond boy, shaking his head and staring off distantly. "Yea all of those things are true, except it wasn't a cabinet it was a cupboard, oh keep the tail thing on the down low." Harry smiled at the memory. "Dudley is something for sure, but he mostly acted that way because it's how his parents raised him... he started getting picked on now that he's in middle school because of his weight and I think he's starting to understand me a bit more. Not the magic of coarse, he's still terrified of the magic but he's too scared to tell his parents what is happening at school after what they let him do to me- he feels like they would be disappointed in him or punish him or something. I don't know, I personally think it's kinda stupid because his parents love him so much it may be unhealthy. But he's the only family I have that will even try to accept me."

Harry looked at the box, he fiddled with a corner for a moment "We've been writing letters to each other, it's been nice. I'll send a letter on my owl and he'll send one back on her, poor thing came back to me last night with this giant package. Stupid Dudley didn't think about how far  she would have to carry a heavy package... Anyway, it came with a letter that said it's full of some average muggle things and I thought I'd wait to open it with you just to see your reaction. he also sent the video recorder " Harry pointed at the  floating camera.

"Potter you are absolutely ridiculous!" Draco laughed then covered his mouth. You could see he was confused for a minute. It was his first time laughing a non- nervous laugh around harry. Even though it was just a chuckle it was a bit terrifying, Draco was used to holding in grins for fear of his father, or having nothing to laugh about, no one who understood. He cleared his throat. "Well let's get on with it then."

Harry glanced at Draco for a moment then nodded. He flipped open the side flaps and grinned ear to ear. Draco slowly turned his head and looked directly into the camera.

Harry started rapidly going through the box grinning happily and muttering to himself. He pulled out a book titled Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Draco took it from Harry's hands. "What in Merlin's name is a Wonderland- Potter what kind of spell makes that? That sounds like a drug spell!" Harry cackled wildly.

I hour later

Draco flops down on the floor, under his head is a purple unicorn Pillow Pet. Harry flopped on top of him, pulling a Snugee* down with him. "Potter" Draco groaned. "Why do wizards not make soft things like these?" Draco began to wrestle the Snugee away from Harry and Harry didn't move, he just stayed flopped, face against the rug like a dead rat. He started muttering about movie tickets, cars, and struggling with luggage limits on airplanes. Draco nudged him and popped a Malteser in his mouth.

Draco rolled away, and in doing so rolled himself up in the Snugee, and tried to inchworm himself over to the hovering camera so he could point it at Harry as Potter slowly dozed off. Draco inched and inched until he was interrupted by a loud bang from somewhere off screen. Draco froze in place. Fearfully looking to Harry.

From off screen there was footsteps and someone calling "Draco are you here? I keep seeing you come toward this place..."

Panic rushed across Draco's face. "Pansy." he whispered anxiously. Frozen in fear Pansy stepped around a couch and in view of the camera. She looked down and kicked the lump that was Draco. "Draco I know that's you." She glance over at Harry and slowly walked over to him then turned back to Draco. In a harsh whisper she said "Draco why is Potter here with you"

Draco started worming his way out of the Snugee. "Yes Pansy that's Potter, you don't have to whisper by the way" Malfoy nudged Harry with his toe. "Get up you bum" he muttered. Harry cracked open one eye and looked from Draco to Pansy then back to Draco. He sat bolt upright. Draco started pacing.

"Pansy listen, just let me show you something" Draco pulled up his sleeves revealing Harry's name.

"Okay so? I don't know what I'm supposed to do, I was just surprised you were with him I thought you hated him" Draco looked at the floor. "Anyway..." Pansy continued "I came because you said I could borrow your potions book since I'm loaning mine to Blaise"

"Oh, uh yea." Draco pulled a book out of his bag and handed it to her. Pansy started to walk away and waved as she went. She stopped for a moment and looked back at the two who were looking back anxiously. "Oh chill out will you? Draco I hate your father and I avoid talking to him at all costs. Plus I'm in the same boat" She pulled up her sleeve and Draco gasped. "You don't mean-" Pansy looked at him and rolled her eyes "Yep, that's exactly what it means" With that she turned around, walked off screen and slammed the door shut on her way out.

Harry and Draco sat in silence for a moment and Harry started laughing. Draco looked at him in a 'wtf' way.

"Yikees" Harry laughed. "That could have been bad if she wasn't gay too"

*End video footage*

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