Journal entry 3

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2010. September- ( Draco's journal entry)

First day was... weird. After all the first years had been sorted and everyone was stuffed to their limit from the outrageous amounts of endless food being put on the table, the house prefects lead us to our dormitories.

As the other first years stepped in around me we all stopped and glanced around, you coukd feel the awe radiating off of us. The whole place had an eerie green light that was given off from the lake and occasionally you could see merpeople swim by. A large Slytherin crest hung over the fireplace and the whole place was stylishly black and green. It was soothing.

The prefect led us to our rooms, lucky me was placed with the two blubbering baboons and some other useless nobody.

Classes started immediately, I had 3 classes with Gryffindor, which means 3 classes with potter.

When we got to flying lessons Harry was surprisingly good with calling his brrom. I watched as his broomstick easily flew to his hand, mine soon after. He didn't act like someone who grew up with muggles. He acted so... natural. As if this was an average day for him. Unlike Granger who spent her days with her nose in a book. I watched as the rest of the Gryffindor side call their brooms, with hardly any luck. Harry watched too. He looked impatient. I realized I had been caught up in staring at him when Madam Hooch was walking away with an injured student.

I thought nows my chance. I lunged at Neville, who was fiddling with a small remembrall clouded with red smoke and snatched it from him. Before he could protest I called to harry. "Oi, Potter- this your friend yea?" Harry glared at me and mouthed 'what are you doing' I glared back just as ferociously. Longbottom teetered from foot to foot anxiously.

I sneered and with bile rising in my throat I threw the ball towards the castle, knowing it would shatter to pieces, knowing it was practically invisible, knowing I was only doing this so he would look back at me- and so my father could be proud.

Potter immediately got on his broom and blasted towards the small reflection of light flickering near a castle window. Of course, perfect Potter caught the ball with ease and gracefully touched down on the turf again, tossing the ball gently to Neville. He looked at me in disgust "you're a real prat Malfoy."

I cringed at him calling me by my last name. My thoughts spiraled downwards quickly, and I didn't say anything more. Not even when Mcgonagall came storming onto the field taking Potter away.

The end of our riding lesson was cancelled.

I wanted to go back to the common room alone but instead the goons decided to follow me, so I determined to at least put them to work. I sent Crabbe off to get me some pumpkin juice and Goyle to go get a book from the library.
Later the same day-
As I was on the stairs going down to the dungeons I felt a slight quiver under my feet. "Bloody hell" I muttered with a lurch the staircase I was on started moving away from the landing I was about to reach. I groaned and came face to face with Potter as the stair case stopped.

"Oh-" I started to say- reaching out to grab him, but he pushed past me and walked away up the staircase towards the Gryffindor comon room.

I didn't want him to see me upset so I stuck my nose up proud and started down a different stair case to get to my common room. The stair case started to shift again- "BLOODY HELL" I screamed.

A couple of 3rd year girls who had prieviously been giggling all gave me odd looks. I put my head down and quickly walked to the common room.

"Password?" Said a disgusting voice. "Lizard tent" I muttered. The painting swung open and I stepped through, slamming shut behind me murmuring about something that didn't concern me. I climbed the staircase, grateful that the ones in the bloody dorms didn't move.

My legs carried me to my bed whilst my mind stayed on Potter. Potter. PERFECT POTTER, with his scar and his broom stick-

I felt my cheeks begin to heat up and I rubbed at them in annoyance. Maybe if Harry- what if I-

No matter how many ways I tried to work it out in my head, there just wasn't a way I could ever be with him. I must be destined to be his sworn enemy.

I should have known he was a Gryffindor, after all, he tried to make friends with ME of all people... ME! Father will never accept this.

I need Harry to understand, I could... talk to him before potions? If I talk to him face to face though, someone could be a witness, what if I go out of father mode?! No. Face to face interaction is not a choice.

Maybe I could write something down and just ask him to keep it secret...? I believe that is the best option- that's it. I'm going to writer Potter a letter. 

(A/N) I'm changing the formatting of this a bit and fixing mistakes, if you read the first 2 chapters as of 12/6/16 you might want to skim over them to see how I'm doing it or to see if anything has changed. If you have any comments feel free to lay em on here or contact me personally  (see bio). I hope to be updating more frequently, so if you enjoy this story let me know so I can have motivation to write and give you guys what you want. THANKS FOR THE READS °3°)

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