Chapter 4: Clara VS Strax (First Morph.)

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(This is where the Power Rangers RPM part begins. Enjoy.)

Now that the doors to the Doctor's tomb is open, Clara and Strax run inside and Clara pulls out her friends gift out and the cell for it from a lanyard from around her neck. (It's the purple RPM Ranger Morpher.)

"You're dead," says Strax. 

"You're asking for it Strax," says Clara. 

"What are you going to do about it?" asks Strax in his evil tone. 

"This! Scott I hope this works. RPM Get In Gear!" exclaims Clara as she puts the cell into the morpher.

Clara morphs into the purple RPM ranger. Strax fires his laser gun and it misses Clara completely. 

"Now you're making me mad, says Clara. Engine cell activate."

Clara puts the cell into her nitro blaster and she fires it at Strax. He gets blown back into the Doctor's time stream. Clara then sees River and the Doctor run in and Dr. Simin enters into the time stream. Dr. Simin is killed and the Doctor collapses. 

"Who are you?" asks River. 

"Power down," says Clara as she hits a button on her morpher.

River sees Clara demorph and she smiles. 

"I'm going in there. It's the only way to save dad," says Clara. 

"But you can't come back," says River. 

"Clara don't do it, please?" whispers the Doctor. 

"I'm sorry dad, but I have to do it," says Clara as she kisses her father's forehead. 

"Listen to my words. I'm the impossible girl and you'll see me soon," says Clara. 

Clara enters into the time stream and it goes from red to the original white color. The Doctor is able to stand up again and Jenny and Madame Vastra run in. 

"Clara entered the time stream," says the Doctor. 

"You're going after her, aren't you?" asks River. 

"Yes and I might or might not come back. Go to the Tardis, the return protocol should be on. She'll take you home and then shut herself down," says the Doctor. 

"Here's something that'll hopefully help you," says River as she kisses the Doctor on the lips. 


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