Chapter 7: Clara Wakes Up.

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A few hours later, Clara opens her eyes to see Scott stroking her hair.
"Hello Scott," says Clara.
"Hey Clara. How do you feel?" asks Scott, softly.
"I feel fine. How did I end up here though?" asks Clara.
"Well, River and your dad brought you here. They had to go somewhere, so I will be taking care of you until your ankle is fully healed," says Scott.
"Thank you Scott," says Clara.
"You're welcome love," says Scott.
"Oh man, what time is it?" asks Clara.
"Twelve-thirty in the afternoon. I had Flynn go out and get us some lunch, but I payed for it," says Scott.
Clara just smiles and Scott goes to the kitchen, where he grabs the to-go boxes, filled with his and Clara's Chinese food. One minute later, Scott walks back into the living room, with the to-go boxes on a wooden tray.
"Here you go. Shrimp fried rice and sweet and sour chicken. For me, special fried rice and kung-pao chicken. Here's your chopsticks," says Scott as he puts the tray on Clara's lap.
"This looks amazing," says Clara.
"I agree," says Scott.
"Did you have Flynn get the duck sauce?" asks Clara.
"I'm one step ahead of you," says Scott.
Clara just smiles as Scott carefully pours a little bit of the duck sauce over her rice.
"Thanks Scott," says Clara.
"You're welcome," says Scott.
Clara and Scott eat their lunch and when they finish, Scott cleans up and he puts a pillow underneath Clara's right ankle. When Scott returns from the kitchen, he sits next to Clara on the sofa bed. Clara places her head on Scott's shoulder and she falls asleep.
An hour later, Flynn walks in.
"Hey Scott, there's a call for you," says Flynn.
"From who?" asks Scott softly.
"Summer and Dillon," says Flynn.
"I'm coming," says Scott softly.
As Scott starts to slowly move, Clara starts to slowly wake up.
"Scott? Where are you going?" asks Clara.
"The garage. Summer and Dillon are video calling us," says Scott.
"Okay. Can you please help me to the garage?" asks Clara.

(To Be Continued in Chapter 8.)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2017 ⏰

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