Chapter 2: The Trip to Trensalaw.

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The Doctor tells Clara after he hangs up, "We're heading to Trensalaw."

"Why?" asks Clara.

"Dr. Simin," says the Doctor bitterly. 

"I'm coming with you," says Clara.

"It'll be highly dangerous, but here you go," says the Doctor as he hands Clara a twelve inch long by one in a half inch wide box.

"What's this dad?" asks Clara.

"It's my early Christmas gift for you," says the Doctor. 

"Thanks dad," says Clara.

The Doctor replies, "You're welcome."

The Doctor inputs the coordinates for Trensalaw and the Tardis is not liking it. Since Clara is one with the Tardis, she feels everything, so she feels the pain of the Tardis. 

"Clara what's wrong?" asks the Doctor. 

"The Tardis, she doesn't want to go," says Clara. 

"Hang on," says the Doctor as he manually flies the Tardis to Trensalaw. 

Clara's sitting on the floor, in pain, when the Tardis comes to a stop. 

"What just happened?" asks the Doctor. 

"She's shutdown mostly everything, except the gravity," says Clara. 

"Well since the Tardis shutdown almost everything, I'm turning the gravity off," says the Doctor as he points his sonic screwdriver at the controls. 

The Tardis gravity goes off and it begins to descend onto Trensalaw. 

"Dad, NO!" exclaims Clara as she feels the effects of the gravity going off. 

(Author's Note: Sorry about the lenght of this. I am soooo glad that I finally am updating this again.)

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