Chapter 6: Clara is Taken Home.

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As River opens the Tardis doors, the Doctor walks up with Clara in his arms. He and River walk up to the front door and River knocks on it. The door opens to reveal Clara's boyfriend Scott Truman.
"Hello Scott," says River.
"Hello Mrs. Song. This is my girlfriend Clara and I's place as well as our friends, who live here with us," says Scott.
"I know, but we brought her home," says River.
Scott then sees Clara in the Doctor's arms.
"I'm Clara's father," says the Doctor.
"I'm Scott Truman, team leader and Clara's boyfriend," says Scott.
"He goes by the name the Doctor," says River.
"I've got her," says Scott as the Doctor carefully puts Clara into Scott's arms.
Scott has Clara's head propped up against his chest.
"We have to go somewhere for a while. Take care of her Scott," says River.
"I sure will Mrs. Song," says Scott.
"Thank you. Tell the other's hello for me," says River.
"I'll make sure it happens," says Scott.
"She also has a sprained right ankle," says River.
"I'll take care of her," says Scott.
River and the Doctor walk away and Scott carries Clara inside. Scott then uses his foot to close the front door, just as Flynn, Gemma, and Gem walk in.
"What happened to her?" asks Flynn.
"She's injured. Her right ankle is sprained. Her mom, Mrs. Song, came by. She told me to tell you guys hi," says Scott.
"There is no way River carried her here," says Flynn as he and Gemma convert the couch into a sofa bed.
"I agree with Flynn," says Gemma, as she prepares the sofa bed for Clara.
"Her dad carried her here;  eventhough, for the present day, he dresses pretty weirdly," says Scott as he carefully places Clara down. 
A few hours later............

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