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I was tagged to do this by EmJur195 (check out her books there amazing!)

1. You must post the rules.
2. You have to give 13 random facts about yourself.
3. You have to answer the 13 questions asked by the person who tagged you.
4. You have to tag 13 people.
5. You have to give 13 questions to the people you tag.

My 13 Questions and Answers.

1. If you had 1 millions dollars what would you do with it and why?

I would donate a huge amount of it to charity because that's something I've always wanted to do, then I would pay for my family to go on a big holiday :)

2. What is your worst injury?

Even though I did gymnastics for 2 and a bit years the worst I've done would be spraining my wrist or ankle.

3. If you were forced to move to mars, and you could only bring 5 things what would you bring and why?

I would want phone but I don't know that my phone would work up there?? So I would bring, My camera, food, something to drink and family photos.

4. What is your favourite colour and why?

Probably dark purple and I don't really know why I just like it.

5. What are your top 10 favourite youtubers?

Okay guys so I'm totally utterly addicted to youtubers I absolutely love them so this is going to be insanely hard for me.

Connor Franta
Joe Sugg
Caspar Lee
Dan Howell
Phil Lester
Jim Chapman
Marcus Butler
Tyler Oakley
Troye Sivan
Kian and Jc

I have way more youtubers that I love but that would probably be my top 10.

6. What is your dream vacation place and why?

Probably Paris, I know I know cliche but I've just always wanted to go there.

7. Do you have any siblings if so how many?

Yes I do, one older brother and one younger brother, so I'm the middle child! :)

8. What is your dream car and why?

I'm so boring I don't really have a dream car idk idk :/

9. What is your favourite band(s)

I absolutely love 5 seconds of summer and one direction (1D are coming back don't argue with me on this) I also like, all time low, green day and the vamps but I like 5sos and 1D the most.

10. What do you do in your free time?

Photography! I love photography my photography on Instagram is @photography_4567 sorry for the self promo...

11. Do you like any sports?

I really like Gymnastics (it is a sport once again do not argue with me on this)
I also like watching my brother play football but I would never play football.

12. What is your favourite food?


13. What is your favourite holiday?

I'm from Australia and I've actually never left Aus, but my favourite holiday was probably when I went to Queensland a few years ago.

Users I'm tagging:

My questions for tagged users:

1. Why did you join watt pad?
2. Who is your favourite singer?
3. Who are your favourite youtubers?
4. If you could have any super power what would you choose?
5. If you could tour with any band what band would you tour with and why?
6. What's your favourite movie?
7. If you were invisible for a day what's the first thing you would do?
8. Favourite colour?
9.What is your dream job?
10. If you could travel to anywhere in the world where would you go and why?
11. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
12. Favourite song at the moment?
13. What is your favourite TV show?

Thanks for reading this guys, my next chapter will be up soon,
Lots of love -M x

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