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(Amber's POV)

I woke the next day dry blood in my hair from the fights the day before, my body was so stiff and I got up. the sun was already up and I decided to take a quick bath and after that I found a new set of green clothing for me on the bed that's when I relised that Legolas had not been in the room when I had woken up. I quickly changed and headed for the dinning hall were I found him with mother.

"good morning Amber," Legolas greeted and walked over to me. "your mother has told me that today is a partner chalange and has been telling me about it." he added as we sit beside mother

"its the maze challenge so you must work together and Amber you must carry Legolas on you back," she explained and I just sighed and nodded. "Amber that's the only way to get through the maze as fast as the others," she added looking me in the eye.

"you realize this will slow me down don't you?" I question in a serious tone, standing up I walk to the other side of the table.

"yes but out of all of the skin-changers I have trained you are the fastest, I don't think he will slow you that much and he is a elf they are said to be light and not as heavy as man," she explained.

"it doesn't matter if I have to carry him then I will he will not be the one to slow me down and make me lose my rank in the packs," I state before leaving them alone together in the dinning hall.

(Legolas' POV)

Amber seems cold hearted today. I have never seen her like this. I sit by Jane thinking of Amber and why she might have become so cold.

"she is very competitive and will do anything to come out on top, that's just how she is" Jane said watching me as I think.

"she seems rather cold towards everyone today," I say in a rather sad tone.

"she will become even colder in the days to come. she hates to lose especially to her brother and when she loses she will not speak to anyone till she can win once more. she very stubborn," Jane trails off deep in thought. 

" I wont let her lose this seems very important to her," I say gazing at the door Amber had just used.

"this will determine her rank in the packs and she strives to be the leader and so does her brother. they have always been this way and they wont stop till its over and there ranks are determined. they will fight till the end and I belive they are evenly matched when it comes to the ability to lead," she explains as I slowly get up and make my way to the door. "Legolas you will be tested and so will she and when she loses she will make you train harder to overcome those who have defeated her that I know for sure," and with that last bit of information I left the dinning hall and headed back to the chambers.

when I arrived there was a outfit on the bed with a note on top. I picked up the note and it reads:


this is the outfit you will need to ride on my back, put it on and met me in the forest so we may train for the next challenge this afternoon.


I quickly change into the outfit and make my way to the forest. I find Amber standing in a small clearing with Jessie and Leah. I approach careful to avoid Leah and Jessie.

"we will train together till one hour before noon then we shall rest before the challenge," Amber explains and then transforms into her lion form and Jessie passes me a strange saddle.

"you will use this saddle but if it does not let you ride then you shall ride without the saddle," Jessie explains

"what is the point of having this saddle?" I ask studying the saddle.

"we skin-changers that live a life in packs are entitled to a saddle and this saddle is Amber's," Leah started to explain. "if her saddle accepts you then you shall be her rider and you will be bound to each other and she will aid you when it is needed the most, but if it doesn't then you will only be able to ride her when she allows you too" she finished explaining.

"why do you not have a saddle for Jessie?" I ask

" Leah cant become a rider because she is a skin-changer as well and she has a saddle of her own," Jessie explained and took the saddle placing it onto Amber's back. " I will show you this only once so pay attention," Jessie said and started to show me how to put the saddle on. 

after Jessie had finished I got into the saddle and Jessie was watching me disbelief clearly seen on his face. After a moment Amber leapt through the air and raced away through the forest and I was holding on to the saddle as if my life depended on it.  Jessie appeared at Amber's side with Leah leaning over his back, I copied what she was doing and it helped as we sped through the trees.

(Amber's POV)

I could feel Legolas griping my sides with his legs as I leapt into the air and rushed into the forest. Jessie was not far behind and shortly after he arrived at my side I could feel Legolas move around on the saddle as we gained speed, we raced around the forest like this for a hour before returning to the small clearing. Legolas got out of the saddle and then Jessie took it off of me as soon as he could.

"alright lets go," Jessie said transforming back into his lion form.

Legolas grabbed the saddle and tried to place it on my back. I sidestepped and he fell to the ground on top of the saddle. I grabbed the saddle in my jaws and swiftly jumped into the nearest tree and place the saddle on one to the top branches before returning to Legolas. I stoop down so he can get on but he just stands there looking at me.

"get on her we don't have all day," Leah said annoyance clear in her voice.

"a..alright," Legolas stuttered as he climbed onto my back. as it stood up Legolas grabbed some of my fur to keep himself steady. as I began to walk he tightened his grip pulling some of my fur out and I growled softly which only made him pull out more.

" stay calm and stop pulling her fur out your hurting her," Leah says and he lets his grip on my fur loosen. "she will not let you fall," Leah reassured Legolas who feels so tense.

with that we started to walk around the forest and eventually we where running around and before we knew it Legolas was fighting Leah and shooting arrows from on my back as we ran through the trees and leapt over the beautiful rivers. 

Life of a skin changer Where stories live. Discover now