Chapter 25

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"I never knew you use to live in Starling." Barry says as we sit in the van. He scoots over next to me, but still gives space in between us.

"Not a lot of people here do." I mumble.

"Why would they be at your old house?" Cisco asks.

"Why is everyone asking me?" I groan in frustration. "I don't know everything, Cisco." I mumble. He nods before looking away. Barry sets his hand in between us, signaling for me to grab his hand. I give him a slight smile before grabbing his hand. 

"It'll be fine." He whispers. 

If only he knew it wasn't.


We park the van almost a mile away from my old house. Barry gets out before me, so he holds his hand out to help me down. I take it as I jump out with the bag in my hand. I knock on the driver seat door.

"Caitlin, if we aren't out in an hour, call for help... I guess." I shrug. I go to walk away but she calls my name. "Hm?"

"Stay safe." She says with a worried smile. 

"As always." I push up a smile before running off to catch up with Barry. Soon, we're right outside of my past home. "Do we knock?" I joke. 

"Around back." Barry says, totally ignoring my words of lightening the situation. I quietly sigh, but stay guard as Barry runs around back. I hear shouts, and I take that as my cue. I back up before slamming my body into the door. It gets some attention, but most is on Barry. The two men jump towards me, but I jump out of the way. I grab one's head, and he shrinks before his remains turn to dust. I face the other one, as he tries to run away. I grab the man's head, and he turns to dust. I step away from the pile, and look around. What once use to be my bright orange living room walls are now cream colored with daisies. I look around the the furniture they replaced mine with. I look around at the paint covered memories.


"Dad, you just spilt grape juice on the carpet! Hurry!" I say, grabbing paper towels. 

"10-1!" My dad yells and I laugh. 

"Sergeant, what now?" I ask, soaking the carpet in water. 

"Rinse and dry!" He yells as he quickly runs around. 

"Stain remover." I say running to the cupboard. 


I laugh out as I put a poster on my wall. 

"Why Party! At the Disco?" My dad asks. 

"It's panic, dad, panic." I say giving him a look of stupidity. "And I love, love, love Panic! At the Disco!" I yell. 

"Just another boy band..." He mumbles under his breath. 

"Excuse you? What did you say?" I ask, trying not to laugh. 


 I reach my hand up to my face to feel a tear falling. I quickly wipe it away before running up the stairs. I hear more yelling from a female. I find where it's coming from. 

My old room. 

I run in the door to find Johnny inside the room with tape over his mouth. He looks at me with pleading eyes. Then they widen in fear. I whip around to face the man that was after him. He smiles at me before swinging his fist. I react to slow before his fist hits my face. Barry runs in and starts untying Johnny. 

I swing my fist at the man but he catches it. He twist my wrist back until we both hear a snap. I cry out in pain. 

I keep getting hurt.

I back away from him, holding my wrist. I take a second to think before I run at him. I jump in the air before spinning around to land him a kick to the face. He staggers back, caught off guard. I hear him mumble something.

"Barry, get him out of here." I demand. He rushes off but is back in a second. Barry joins me in fighting. 

More men run up the stairs.  I run out of the room and Barry does the same. I run up behind a man, and place my hands on his head. He turns to dust as I run to the next one. I throw a punch, catching him off guard as well. He falls back into the wall. I take his shoulder, and knee him in the stomach. I throw him back and down the stairs. He tumbles down before falling unconscious. I look to my left to see Barry being throw to the ground. I get too distracted to notice the man to my right. He throws a punch knocking me to the ground. 

I look up to see Barry being shot. The bullet shoots into him, blood dripping out as he falls to the ground. Dead. 

"No!" I yell as I stand up. I slam my foot into the ground only to appear back in STAR Labs. 

Running Out of Time {Barry Allen/The Flash}Where stories live. Discover now