Robron - The Beginning (Part 2)

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Aaron drove back home, when he walked in he froze, because he seen Robert sitting at the bar with Chrissie, his soon to be wife. He walked past Robert straight into the gents. Robert got up a couple minutes after, walked into the gents to find Aaron.

Aaron - (Smirked) "What you doin' in here?"

Robert - (Happily) "I came in here to see you"

Aaron - (Confused) "Why?"

Robert - (Struggling) "Because. I want us to secretly, be together till I get married..?"

You could see Aaron's face light up as soon as Robert said he wanted them to be together. But secretly? Aaron loved Robert so he would take any chance to be with him no matter what.

Aaron - (Ecstatic) "Erm- yeah, I. Would want to, yeah."

Roberts face lighted up and he couldn't help but to smile about it. Aaron smiled back at Robert. Robert walked slowly over to Aaron, and held up his face, he placed his lips on top of Aaron's. Aaron felt butterflies in his stomach, because he was happy and excited about what will happen for the next few months. Robert leg go and walked to the door before opening it, he looked back and gave Aaron a big cheeky smile. He got one back. Robert went and sat back down at the bar next to Chrissie, Aaron soon came out, Robert winked at him with a little smile, Aaron grinned back at him before going upstairs to his room. Chas, Aaron's mum followed him up.

Chas - (Curious) "Aaron love, you 'ad a good time?" Smiled at him.

Aaron - (Overwhelmed) "Yeah, I did"

Chas - "Good, where'd you go?"

Aaron - "Mind your own business, yeah."

Aaron walked upstairs. He had a huge grin on his face, he just couldn't stop smiling at the thought of Robert, even his name made him feel butterflies, but good butterflies, really good.

Chrissie - "Let's go, Robert."

Robert - "Okay, just a sec though, I need to text a mate."

Chrissie - "Oh, okay then. Chas another glass of red wine please?"

Chas - "Okay, I'll be right over."

Chrissie - "Thank you, take your time."

Chrissie gave a smile to Chas and received one back. Meanwhile upstairs Aaron got a text from Robert.

Robert text: "Hey, I'm going now, but meet me tomorrow at 2PM in the barn, don't be late ;)"

Aaron couldn't resist another smile plastered on his face.

Chas - "Here you go, that's £1.20 please."

Chrissie - "Thank you. And, here."

Chas - "Cheers."

Robert's face lit up with delight as soon as he heard his phone beep with a text, from Aaron, he smiled just the same as Aaron did.

Aaron text: "Orite, see ya then, and I won't ;)"

Chrissie - (Giggled) "So what's made you more happier?"

Robert - (sarcastic) "Ha funny Chrissie, real funny, ma mate just text me and asked if I wanna go to a reunion with my old school mates?"

Chrissie - (sarcasm) "Great, you can go, if I get you away, so I'll be in peace. What time?"

Robert - (Happily) "2PM, is that okay for me to go see them at that time tomorrow, because I wanna see them again?"

Chrissie - "Sure, whatever, as long as their are no females there!" Chuckled to herself.

Robert - (Laughing) "You don't trust me?"

Chrissie - "Sure I do, let's go."

Robert - "Okay, come one."

Aaron walked into the bar to have a pint. Robert got up and grabbed his coat. He looked over at Aaron and winked, Aaron gave him one back, and Robert walked out with Chrissie.

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