Robron - Falling Again

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After weeks the ex lovers have drifted apart, Andy asked Robert and Aaron to help around the farm, for extra helping hands.

Andy - "Cheers for this Aaron."

Aaron - "No prob mate, I could get a couple quid for this."

Andy - "Why don't we all get a pint after this, to say thanks?"

Aaron - "Aye, make it two and your on."

Andy smiled with a nod and walked away. Robert smiled at Aaron and followed Andy, Aaron kept looking at Robert then turned away and got in his truck.
*The next day*
Andy and Aaron were by Andy's car. Robert walked up to them with coffee and tea for them and himself.

Andy - "Are your arms not to sore from yesterday?"

Robert - "We're not doing this again are we?"

Andy - "Hah, I won't stop. And Aaron are you coming with us?"

Aaron - "Yep, someone needs to teach him how to do things properly."

Robert laughed, Aaron laughed with him, and Andy joined in.

Andy - "Right you lot, get in."

Robert got in the front next to Andy and Aaron got in the back, Chas walked passed the car and gave Robert an evil look. Robert didn't care, all he could care about was getting Aaron back.
*They got to the farm*

Andy - "So let's get this grain power thing to work so I can fill in this hole."

Robert - "Alright, let's start."

Aaron - "Alright, let me show you losers how it's done."

Everyone had a little chuckle to Aaron's comment. Later on they got it to work, Aaron and Robert clapped and cheered. Paddy shows up.

Andy - "Oh, sorry paddy, we've just had the last of the beers."

Paddy - "Wow. Story of ma life."

Andy - "Well boys you've done a great job."

Robert - "Why don't we all get a beer?"

Andy - "Sorry Rob, I've gotta pick the kids up later, so another time, yeah?"

Robert - "Alright, see ya."

Andy - "See ya later. See ya Paddy."

Paddy - "See ya."

Aaron - "Looks likes it's just me and you."

Robert - "Your not putting your hand in ya pocket are ya?"

Aaron - "I wouldn't go that far, no but there's a few cans up at the scrapyard in the fridge."

Robert - "Alright then."

Aaron and Robert got up to walk to the scrapyard for a couple beers.

Paddy - "Aaron- Aaron-"

Robert and Aaron got to the scrapyard to the portacabin and walked in.

Robert - "Why we hiding in 'ere then?"

Aaron - "We're not hiding, we're just gonna 'av a beer."

Robert - "Away from Paddy and ya mum?"

Aaron - "Yeah, and anyone else that get's on ma nerves."

Robert - "Paddy was acting weird all over you today weren't he."

Aaron - "Erm, yeah."

Robert - "Why? Is he worried or something?"

Aaron - "Yeah, he thinks that me and you are gonna get it back on."

Robert - (Smirked) "Yeah?"

Aaron - "Yeah."

Aaron walked closer to Robert, and placed his soft lips on top of Robert's, he kissed him passionately while lifting Robert's shirt up and taking it off. Where they back together? Or was it the start of them getting closer again?

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