Robron - This Love Keeps Coming Back To Us

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Robert and Aaron shared long passionate kisses, they both earned themselves small groans of pleasure and happiness. They were both getting changed while sharing a conversation.

Robert - "I've stayed in better places." Chuckled to himself.

Aaron - "Haha, me too. We've both stayed in better places." Aaron winked and received one back with a little smile.

Robert - "Hah, so I guess um Paddy had a point after all."

Aaron - "Haha, yeah, I guess he did."

There was a knock at the door and Paddy walked in, to see Aaron and Robert get there jackets on.

Paddy - "So much for 'your over'."

Robert - "Text ya later, yeah."

Aaron nodded with a little grin, Robert walked down the steps to Paddy.

Robert - "Don't give 'im a hard time, he doesn't deserve it."

Robert zipped up his coat and walked away. Aaron came down the steps while watching Robert walking away.

Paddy - "What's up with you, always pressing the self distrust button. I thought you said that you two were over?"

Aaron - "Well, then I was wrong, weren't a."

Aaron ran back up the steps to lock up before walking with paddy to his car.

Paddy - "Ya know you shouldn't be with Robert."

Aaron - "It's not your choice. I love him, and you can't choose who I love."

Paddy - "I know, I know I can't, but just try and see sense, he killed Katie-"

Aaron - (Yelling) "Don't you ever say that to me again!"

Paddy - (Yelling back) "I'm just trying to say-"

Aaron - (Yelling louder) "Shut up! It wasn't his fault! Robert didn't kill Katie! It was an accident!"

Paddy - (Yelled to get him to listen) "All I'm trying to say is how wrong things get then you get yourself mixed in with Robert flipping Sugden!"

Aaron looked at him with a angry look in his eye, and stormed off back to the pub. He walked into the pub to see Robert sitting at a table with Chrissie. Aaron nodded at Robert to come into the gents with him in a minute. A couple minutes after, Robert got up and went into the gents.

Robert - "So what's up?"

Aaron - "Me and Paddy were having an argument about me and you, and he said I shouldn't be with someone like you, because you killed Katie."

Robert - "Oh, great- now he's gonna tell everyone that I killed her!"

Aaron - "No, because you didn't kill her, you pushed her, you didn't know the floor was gonna collapse. And anyway it's my fault she was there, if I just let you get married instead of being a jealous jerk, none of this would've ever happened."

Robert - "No, no, Aaron this isn't your fault. It's my fault, I shouldn't of kept coming back for more I shouldn't of even kissed you, I shouldn't of even fell fell in love with you, I'm sorry."

Aaron - "No, I'm the one who fell for you, I should've got got so jealous of you not being mine, I should never of text Katie, I'm sorry."

Robert walked over to Aaron and smiled.

Robert - "None of this is your fault, we both fell for each other. I kept coming back to you for more."

Aaron grinned at Robert and got one back. Robert placed his lips on Aaron's and took his hands out his pockets to place on either cheek. Robert leaned away.

Robert - "See ya later." Grinning.

Aaron - (Smirked) "See ya."

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