Chapter 25 " why now "

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I woke up next Cameron as always but we have been arguing the last past week and it's over dumb shit and plus I was on my period so yeah.

I just hope we go back to the same as before cause I really do miss him.

I went downstairs and made some breakfast we didn't have school today fine with me.

Cameron came sat down and didn't say anything.

"Good morning baby." I said.

"Good morning Nicole." He said.

But he never calls me Nicole. Fuck I fucked up

"I'm sorry Cameron." I said.

"For what ? You didn't do anything wrong." He said.

"No didn't you see how we were acting the last week." I said

"Yeah I did." He said.

"I'm sorry I was just on my period." I said

"Ohh well then you should've just told me." He said.

"I didn't want to." I said.

"Oh okay I understand. You're better now right ?" He asked.

"Yeah just going back to my bitchy self again." I said.

"But you are not bitchy to me." He said.

"I know just towards other people." I said.

"Oh my god this is why I love you." Be said.

"I love you too so let's eat." I said.

"Kay." He said.

We finished then went to go and get ready.

I wore a blue flannel , light blue jeans , my Jeffery Campbell booties. I put on my gorgeous stud earrings Cam had bought me.

I put on my Michael Kors ring and took my tote I had gotten my nails done again and my hair is longer so I got some blonde highlights in there.

Then I put on some make-up , neutral colors and some wine red lips.

Then headed downstairs.

"What are we doing to today Nicole." Cameron said.

"Eww no don't call me that why ? Who is Nicole ? Are you seeing another girl ?" I asked.

"No." He said laughing.

"My name is Bae, princess, babe, baby or babygirl I don't know Nicole." I said.

"Oh well then I'm sorry babe." Cameron said kissing my cheek.

"Its okay love ,and I think we should hang out today me and you or with the rest of the group." I said.

"Wait I gotta tell you something." Cameron said scaring me.

"What ?" I asked.

"I go back on tour on Monday." He said.

"But Imma be alone." I whined.

"I know babe." He said.

"Who else is going ?" I ask.

"Basically everyone." He said.

"No fair I wanna be with y'all too." I whined.

"Imma ask Bart if I can bring you." He said as we pulled up into Starbucks.

"Kay Imma go and get us a table, and order." I said.

"Kay you know what I want." He said.

"What is that ?" I asked.

"You." He said.

"Shut up" I said as I grabbed my wallet and phone and left my bag in the car and went into Starbucks.

5 minutes later

"So guess who is coming on tour ?" Cameron said.

"Who ?" I asked.

"You are. Cause he already saw your page on vine and he was gonna call you today to tell you cause you know how me and have been hanging. The fans like us together #Nameron." Cam said.

"I know so LIT." I said.

"So what do you guys mainly do there ?" I asked.

"We do things fun things actually." Cam said.

"Okay looking forward I guess." I said.

Then we hung out with the guys and girls then went home and packed cause I wasn't gonna pack tomorrow I'm having a lazy day in with my girlfriends.

So yeah.

Then me and Cam watched Disney movies til we fell asleep.

MAGCON guys I mean it's going on now and I don't like it it's only Cameron Aaron Taylor and Carter then Jacot satourius ( I spelt it wrong I think) like he is only 13 Hayes was about the same age but he looked grown like 16 Jacob looks like 10 hanging out with a 21 year-old and how ever old the rest of the boys are no hate but
I just am not feeling it.

It's my opinion no hate please.
And comment and vote I need some more if those and I'll be updating my other story more so go and read that one too thanks guys I love y'all so much loves

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