Chapter Three ~ Nii-chan ~

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A/N: Imagine the Yoshida and Takasugi age of Yama-chan and Chii here coz their age here is from that time.^^ . Douzo~

It's already been 7 years since Yuri came into their lives, into Ryosuke's life. And until now, he can't accept the fact that he has a younger brother and Yuri knows it too well that Ryosuke didn't like him at all.

Morning finally came into Yamada residence. Ryosuke wake up when the morning light came accross his windows. He got up and do his morning ruotine. It's monday so he have a class. When he is done, he proceeds to the kitchen and have his breakfast. Her mom, dad and Yuri are already in the dining room. Ryosuke sat down near his father opposite from where Yuri is seating.

"Ohayo Ryo Nii-chan~" Yuri said and he smiled. If Ryosuke didn't hate Yuri, it might be that his heart also melted with that warm smile. He didn't give any response to Yuri's greeting. Yuri's just shrugged his shoulder, he obviously knew why. Ryosuke is 15 and he is in 3rd grade while Yuri who is 14, is in his 2nd grade. They are attending the same school. When Ryosuke is finally done with his breakfast he got up and get his bag.

"bye mom, dad. I'll go now." and he goes out from the house. Yuri immediately drink his milk and got up. His nii-chan always do this. Leaving him.

"Nii-chan matte!!! bye mom, dad!"

"hai. Ki o tsukete!" both the parents said.

Yuri ran out from the house and follow Ryosuke.

"Matte!!!!" Ryosuke rolled his eyes and face the running Yuri.

"You have your own feet Yuri. Go walk by yourself!" Yuri stopped at Ryosuke's shout. His nii-chan is irritated again. Yes, to him. He bowed his head for apology.

"I just want to walk with you Ryo-nii..."

"Pssh. You can walk behind me."


Their school is only a walking distance from their house. After several minutes both of them arrived at school. The Yamada brothers are famous in their school. Not just because they are both well known as good in singing but because Ryosuke is part of the soccer varsity team while Yuri is a very intelligent student. That is one of the reasons why Ryosuke hate Yuri. He feels like all of his parents attention is now on Yuri especially that Yuri is very good in terms of academics. Well.. he just feels that because he is jealous. He can't accept that there are things that Yuri is more good than him. Despite of the fame, the whole school knows too that Yuri is an adopted child. Of course, Ryosuke said it. And that made our Yuri's heart broken because until now, Ryosuke doesn't accept him as a part of his family.

After changing into their school shoes Ryosuke immediately goes to his room not even looking back at his little brother. Third grades are on the 3rd floor while 2nd grades are on the 2nd floor.

The bell rangs and now it is time for their lunch. Ryosuke usually ates at the canteen while he knows that Yuri loves to hang out and have his lunch near the school's soccer field where you can see a big tree there and you can have a nap or seat while watching the players.

While Ryosuke is eating his lunch some students ran by his side and panting. Looks like he know what are they going to tell him.

"Yama-chan, we saw your younger brother being bullied again by those sempais." the girl said while catching for her breath.

"So?" he said.

"Eh? Until now you don't even care? I saw him crying." the other one said.

"I have nothing to do with that. Besides, I can't be against our sempais." the girl just shrugged her shoulder. Ryosuke is really a cold hearted brother. He continue to finish his food and the bell started to rang again. Looking back, he sighed and decided to go to the field if Yuri is still there. Still he can't just let Yuri cry or hurt because for sure, her mom will scold her. When he reached the place he saw Yuri crying while breathing hard. He runs fast because Yuri is being attacked by his asthma.

"Yuri!" he put his hand on Yuri's back to lean him up.

"Ni-ni-nii-chan" Yuri said while crying.

"Where's your inhaler?!" Ryosuke began to panicked while seeing Yuri having a hard time to breathe. His face is already and full of tears and sweats. Yuri slowly pointed his hand at the bag near him. Ryosuke immediately search for Yuri's inhaler to help him gain back his normal breathing.

"Damn! Where is it?!" after searching for at least a minute he found the inhaler and immediately put it into Yuri's mouth and pressed it. Yuri's started to inhale and exhale while still crying. He felt pity for his little brother at a time like this. After several minutes, Yuri gained back his normal breathing. Ryosuke had a deep sigh. He feels like his heart is going to burst out at the scene. He feels very nervous.

"You should avoid them!" he shouted at Yuri. The latter startled at his very sudden action.

"Go-gomen." he bowed.

"What if I didn't come?! My God Yuri."

"But I didn't do anything wrong.."

Ryosuke knows that they started bullying Yuri when he said that he is just an adopted from the family. The other students loved to bullied him because they knew that Yuri didn't fight back. Yuri is too kind to fight back and he knows that. He helped Yuri to got up and put his bag on his shoulder.

"We still need to go to the clinic. I don't want mom to scold me just because of you."


When they reached the schools clinic, the doctor decides Yuri to go home to take a rest. Ryosuke excused himself from the class because he needs to be with Yuri.

They are walking outside from the school when Ryosuke seats in front of Yuri showing his back. The younger one tilted his head showing questionable look.

"I'm offering you a piggyback so that's it's more easy for me and we can go home early. Your walking so slow." he answered.


"Hayakku." Yuri nodded and put his arms around Ryosuke's shoulder. While Ryosuke held Yuri's legs to support for him not to fall. Yuri smiled while he put his head on Ryosuke's shoulder. 'Nii-chan still has a sweet side eventhough he not too fond of me' he said to himself. He can smell Ryosuke strawberry flavored shampoo and that makes him smiled again.



"Arigato." Ryosuke didn't answer at Yuri. He feels that Yuri is asleep in his shoulder now.


A/N: Tandandandan !!! chap. 3 done kekeke xD so what do you think ? hahah .arigatou for reading !!! ^^

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