chapter 13 ~ sorry ~

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After what happened on Ryosuke's birthday, Chinen and him never talked to each other unless when the family is together. It really hurts Yuri a lot but there's nothing he can do for now. Especially that now, Ryosukes joined their school's band that's why almost everyday he will go home late due to practice. Sometimes, Yuri never got a chance for them to see each other, he always finds Ryosuke on his room whenever the latter is at home locking himself or practicing for band. Sometimes, whenever their parents are not in the house his nii-chan's band are in their home practicing with his bandmates. Nakajima Yuto for drums, his friend Okamoto Keito in electric guitar, their sempai's Yaotome Hikaru in bass and Inoo Kei for keyboard. And of course, Ryosuke in the lead vocals. He's happy that Ryosuke got the addition for their school's band. Their band is not just band for school coz their band is competing in other schools whenever there is what they called 'Battle of the Bands' in schools.


It's another one fine day from Yamada house. All the family members are in the living room. Their father told them that they will be having a serious talks about some matters. At least, Yuri is happy that he can see his Ryo-nii even though Ryosuke treated him like he never see him. Ryosuke is the last one who got into their living room and sat opposite on Yuri.

"So..." their mom began "Were here to talk about you Yuri and Ryosuke." both of them looked at their mom. She put a brown envelope in the table and saying for them to look at those. Yuri first took it and his eyes widened in shocked seeing pictures of him and Ryosuke being lovey-dovey to each other, hugging, holding hands and kissing each other in school or outside their house. Ryosuke immediately took the photos from Yuri hand and his eyes widened as well.

"So, seeing those pictures you know what I want to talk right?" none of them answered. Yuri bowed his head while Ryosuke looked away. "Since when Ryosuke?" their mom looked very serious. Ryosuke looked at her and answered "We're done mom." he saw Yuri looked at him with teary eyed but he ignored it.

"So it's really true that Yuri and you got into relationship?!" their mom raised her voice a little bit "You know that Yuri is your brother! How come you do that?"

"Honey..." their father interrupted.

"Mama, I'm sorry. It's all my fault." Yuri said everyone of them looked at him. His tears are falling while he wiped it.

"Don't worry mom, it's not gonna happen again, it's a big mistake. I should've not got into a relationship with him coz we're brothers and it's not right. A big MISTAKE." he looked at the younger while saying those words, hurting the chibi more. Yuri just bowed his head lower and hiccups.

"You know I'm against it. Just make sure that no one will know about this except us." and their mom proceed to their room.

"You two go to your room for now." their father said while going with their mom. Ryosuke first went to his room but Yuri held his wrist, he give his best annoyed look on the younger scaring him.

"Aㅡanou... Goㅡgomen Niiㅡnii-chan... I really aㅡam soㅡsorry for all." he stuttered while hiccuping. Ryosuke didn't say anything and just go to his room leaving the crying Yuri again for nth time since he was adopted into the family. He clutched his chest, it's been a long time since his last heart attack. Sometimes, he hopes that his illness comesback instead of feeling the pain from his heartache.


"Ryu-chan, we'd better stop these nonsense relationship." Yuri said while not looking at the latter.

"Eh?! Nande?"

"Okaa-san already knew about the relationship I had with Ryo-nii before and... I think we have to stop these. I don't and I can't love you." he goes back to his classes. Leaving Ryutaro alone.

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