Preference #113: Freckles

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Liam: You absolutely 100% hated your freckles. People used to tease you about them all the time and as you got older, they only multiplied until they were covering every visible inch of your skin and more. No matter how many times you told Liam that you hated them, he would always laugh and tell you that he loved them, trailing his fingers along your arm, trying to connect the dots.

Niall: He found it absolutely ridiculous when you would pull out a new cream to try and get rid of the lovely little freckles of yours that he adored. You’d tried every kind of cream, but still nothing worked. And he told you everyday that he loved your freckles, but still you insisted that you needed to get rid of them. You didn’t like showing your skin in front of him, the many blemishes on your skin making you insecure. But Niall would pull you close, covering you with kisses.

Louis: Louis was obsessed with your freckles. From the first day you met him until the last, he would tap the freckles on your nose and chuckle, he would study them as you laid in bed together, and he would make little comments about them, but you knew that deep inside, he was jealous of your freckles. Anytime you brought it up though, he would blush slightly and say no, he just has a freckle fetish, that’s the only reason why he likes yours. But you knew the truth.

Zayn: The day Zayn fell in love with you was the same day that he noticed the pattern that the freckles on your right cheek made. A small, but perfect heart right there beneath your eye. He had a tendency to press his lips against it, making you let out a squealish giggle. Anytime that you were feeling down, he would kiss you there, just to bring the smile onto your face and to hear that laugh of yours that lights up his days.

Harry: At 4:00 on a random Saturday morning, you woke up suddenly to find Harry already awake, holding your hand in his and tracing his fingers slowly over your freckled skin. You were jealous of his tanned skin, all yours did was freckle more and more and more when you went out together, but her turned a perfect shade of gold. His eyes flickered up to yours, shining brightly even in the darkness of your bedroom. You could see the curve of his smile as his fingers twisted around your wrist, tugging you closer to him since you’d drifted away in your sleep.

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